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16 YU Alumni Joins 20th National Assembly N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2016.04.20 09:59
  • Views : 7802

Eight of 12 seats for the Daegu region from YU
Alumni power proven again following the 19th elections
In the 2014 provincial elections, 21 YU alumni elected for metropolitan and local autonomy region heads, and 1 elected as superintendent of education
[April 14, 2016]
<YU alumni elected in the 20th National Assembly elections>
(from top left to right: Joo Ho-young, Kim Sang-hoon, Yoo Seung-min, second row left to right: Jung Tae-ok, Jung Jong-seob, Cho Won-jin, Yoon Jae-ok, third row left to right: Kim Gwang-rim, Kim Seok-gi, Lee Wan-young, Kim Jong-tae, last row left to right: Lee Cheol-woo, Choi Gyeong-hwan, Jeon Hye-sook, Choo Mi-ae)
 YU (President Noh Seok-kyun) once again displayed its alumni power in the 20th National Assembly elections. Results of the elections held on the 13th showed that a total of 16 YU alumni joined the National Assembly.

 Most of the election winners were in the Daegu and Gyeongbuk regions. In Daegu, they included Joo Ho-young (Law '78) of Suseong (eul), Kim Sang-hoon of Seo-gu (Law '82), Cho Won-jin (Graduate School of Public Administration '97) of Dalseo (byeong), Yoo Seung-min (Graduate School of Business Advanced Management Program (AMP) '06) of Dong-gu (eul), Yoon Jae-ok (AMP '08) of Dalseo (eul), Kim Bu-gyeom (AMP '12) of Suseo (gap), Jung Tae-ok (Graduate School of Public Administration Advanced Policy Leader Program '15) of Buk-gu (gap), and Jung Jong-seob (AMP '16) of Dong-gu (gap). Thus, 8 out of the 12 seats in the Daegu region were taken by YU graduates.

 In the Gyeongbuk region, they include Kim Gwang-rim (Economics '69) of Andong, Kim Seok-gi (Public Administration '71) of Gyeongju, Lee Wan-young (Public Administration '76) of Goryeong/Seongju/Chilgok, Kim Jong-tae (AMP '01) of Sangju/Uiseong/Gunwi/Cheongsong, Lee Cheol-woo (AMP '06) of Gimcheon, and Choi Gyeong-hwan (AMP '06) of Gyeongsan.

 In the Seoul region, Jeon Hye-suk (Pharmacology '73) of Gwangjin (gap) and Choo Mi-ae (AMP '08) of Gwangjin (eul) were elected, and thus a total of 16 YU graduates joined the 20th National Assembly.

 In the 19th National Assembly elections, 15 were from YU, and in the provincial elections of 2014, two were selected as metropolitan heads, 19 for local autonomy region heads, and 1 as a superintendent of education for a total of 22 people, thus showing the alumni power of YU in Korean politics.
Meanwhile, the YU general alumni assembly is scheduled to be held at 6:30 p.m. on April 29 to hold a celebration banquet at the Daegu Grand Hotel to root for the 20th parliamentary activities.