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Increased 'Student-Research Exchange' with Major Universities in Europe N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2016.03.02 09:48
  • Views : 8060
YU President Noh Seok-kyun visits major universities in Norway, Netherlands and Spain to sign MOU and agree on academic exchange
Continuously expanding global partnership with major universities and research institutes in Europe, South America and China
[February 19, 2016]
<YU President Noh Seok-kyun visited the University of Stavanger in Norway and signed an exchange MOU with President Marit Boyesen.>
 YU (President Noh Seok-kyun) is expanding its global education and research network by signing academic exchange MOUs with major universities in Europe.

 YU President Noh Seok-kyun and External Cooperation Office Director Park Jae-hong visited four universities in three European countries such as Norway, Netherlands and Spain from the January 26 to February 4, prior to the Lunar New Year holidays and signed MOUs on research cooperation and human exchange.

영남대 노석균 총장이 네덜란드 쟈이트실무중심대학교(Zuyd University of Applied Sciences) 카렐 반 로스말렌(Karel van Rosmalen) 총장을 만나 학술교류협약을 체결했다..jpg

 On the 28th of January, YU President Noh Seok-kyun started off his trip in Europe by visiting the University of Stavanger in Norway and met with President Marit Boyesen to sign an agreement for exchange in educational and research activities in the engineering sector. On the next day of the 29th, he visited Zuyd University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands and met with President Karel van Rosmalen and signed an MOU on academic exchange at the University level(photo on the right).

 On the 1st, Mr. Noh's group visited the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands, which YU has sisterhood relationships with, and agreed to continuously share the educational and research statuses and systems of each university and to expand exchange and cooperation. Mr. Noh's group then went to Universidad Carlos III de Madrid in Spain as their final stop to hold in-depth discussions for research cooperation and human exchange in various academic fields including engineering.
영남대 노석균 총장이 암스테르담과학대학(Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences) 빌렘 바움파크(Willem Baumfalk) 상경대학장에게 대학 기념품을 전달하고 기념촬영하고 있다..jpg
<YU President Noh Seok-kyun gives a souvenir to Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences Department of Commerce and Economics Willem Baumfalk.>
 In particular, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid that YU pursued exchange cooperation with is a national university with 19,000 students located in Madrid, Spain, and its business, economics and law departments are judged to be in the top position in all public and private universities in Spain.
영남대 노석균 총장이 스페인 마드리드카를로스3세대학교(Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)를 방문해 Matilde Pilar Sanchez Fernandez 국제처장과 양교의 교류협력을 위해 협의하고 있다..jpg
 YU President Noh Seok-kyun, who returned after a busy schedule of visiting four universities in three different countries in a short period of time, said, "We made a cornerstone for expanding exchange with major universities in Europe by signing academic exchange agreements with universities in Norway, Netherlands, and Spain." He added, "We will accelerate actual exchange and cooperation so that we can raise up the education and research level of each university to world-class standards."

 Meanwhile, YU visited prestigious universities and acclaimed research institutes in Europe such as Oxford of England, Strasbourg University of France, and Fraunhofer Gesellschaft of Germany to sign MOUs on student exchange and joint research last year in February. In May, YU visited the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico and Technologico de Monterrey Campus Querataro and agreed upon not only academic exchange such as faculty and student exchange programs, but also operating cultural exchange programs between the two countries. In August, YU visited major universities and government institutes in China such as the Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing University, and the Chongqing Changshou Qu people's government to sign MOUs on exchange and cooperation, thereby continuously expanding global partnerships in Europe, Central and South America, and China.