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College Volunteers Make 'Dalbit Alliance'... Four Universities of the Yeongnam-Honam Region Unites! N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2016.07.07 11:00
  • Views : 7800

Regional volunteer activities every summer break since 2002

15th volunteer corps work hard in Daegu and Gyeongsan under leadership of YU

Visits to senior homes, street 'gum painting campaign'

[July 1, 2016]

[YTN News]

 College students of the Yeongnam and Honam regions united to engage in volunteer activities during the summer vacation.


Four universities including YU, Dong-A University, Chosun University, and Wonkwang University united to engage in volunteer activities. The Sharing and Volunteer Corps of the four universities in the Yeongnam-Honam regions is an exchange program to take the lead in inter-collegiate cooperation and regional harmony. Starting with the first volunteer corps in 2002, it is now in the 15th year. The 'Dalbit Alliance' (name made by combining the first syllables from the word 'Dalgubeol', which is the old name of Daegu, and 'Bitgoeul, which is the Korean word for Gwangju) that was made for the co-development and exchange and cooperation of Yeongnam and Honam by Daegu and Gwangju is a Yeongnam-Honam harmony program with a long tradition.

<Sharing and Volunteer Corps of 4 universities in the Yeongnam-Honam regions volunteering at a senior home>


Every year, the volunteer corps are overseen by a university in Yeongnam and Honam by turns and students from four universities join forces during the summer break for volunteer activities. This year, the 15th volunteer corps comprised of a total of 20 students with five from each college will engage in volunteer activities in Daegu and Gyeongsan for one week from the June 26 to July 2 under the supervision of YU.


 The 15th volunteer corps volunteer at the Ebenezer Silver Town, which is a senior home facility located in Gyeongsan. They will help clean up and provide services such as cleaning, laundry and helping with meals, and also donate their talents such as singing and dancing for the elderly.


This year, they will also take part in street environment improvement activities for the community. The volunteers will take part in the 'Gum Painting Campaign' at Daegu metro line 2 Yeungnam University Station and the YU Gyeongsan campus. The 'Gum Painting Campaign' is for using acrylic paint to make beautiful paintings and messages on streets where there are gum stains. This program aims at improving the street environment and also reminding people not to spit their gums on the street.


 Kim Tae-hoon (24), a junior at the YU Department of Students who participated as the captain of the 15th volunteer corps, said, "I wanted to do something fulfilling during the summer break. The volunteer corps of the four universities in the Yeongnam and Honam regions seemed to be fulfilling. I may be lacking in many areas because I have not volunteered very much, but I think that the process is more important than results for volunteering." He added, "The Sharing and Volunteer Corps of the four universities Yeongnam and Honam will volunteer next year in Honam, and if I am given the opportunity, I would like to participate again next year."


Meanwhile, students participating in the volunteer activities will be given one credit in social service, and also be given a certificate for volunteering by the university president.