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Rises 7 Places in ‘2016 Asian University Rankings’ N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2016.06.22 09:36
  • Views : 7827

QS-Chosun Ilbo rankings, rose 22 ranks in past 4 years

Rising through internationalization such as ratio of foreign faculty and number of exchange students

Good evaluations in faculty research abilities such as evaluations by academia

[June 14, 2016]


YU (President Noh Seok-kyun) has continued its climb by rising in the '2016 Asian University Rankings' by seven places compared to the previous year.


According to the 'QS-Chosun Ilbo 2016 Asian University Rankings' that were announced on the 14th, YU continued its rise and was ranked 128th overall among universities in Asia (22nd in Korea). While the major universities of Korea fell or stayed stagnant, YU has recorded strong growth for the past four years. In 2013, it was ranked 150th, and thus, it climbed up 22 ranks this year at 128th.


YU showed especially strong growth in the internationalization index. The foreign student ratio rose from 188th last year to 145th this year, and the number of exchange students (36th -> 32nd) sent abroad also recorded steady growth, thus leading Korean universities in terms of internationalization. This is the result of systematically operating various mid- to long-term overseas study programs popular among students such as the GSP (Global Study Program), overseas internships, and exchange student programs. Furthermore, 172 of the 900 faculty members are foreign faculty, thus amounting to close to 20%, and thereby displaying the internationalization of YU in terms of foreigner faculty. In addition, academia evaluation was ranked at 121st (15th in Korea), showing excellent assessments for the faculty's research capacities.


YU President Noh Seok-kyun said, "It is very encouraging to continuously receive good evaluations by an authoritative college evaluation institute. This means that the status of our university was objectively judged to have been raised worldwide." He added, "This is the result of not sparing any support for education and research sectors with a long-term perspective despite the difficulty college environment."


The 'QS-Chosun Ilbo Asian University Rankings' began in 2009 and is in its 8th year this year. This year, it judged 517 universities in 17 countries including Korea, Japan, China, Singapore and Hong Kong (categorized separately from China).