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YU Students Take Lead in Youth 'Education Donation'! N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2016.04.06 09:59
  • Views : 7446
Selected for ‘2016 College Student Youth Education Support Project Excellent University’
300 ‘Sharers’ engage in Education/Knowledge sharing activities
[March 22, 2016]
영남대 학생들이 지역아동센터에서 지식나눔 활동을 펼치고 있다 (3).jpg
<YU students engage in knowledge sharing activities at a local children's center>
 YU (President Noh Seok-kyun) students engaged in large-scale education donation activities for youths.

 With the start of the 2016 school year, YU selected 300 'Sharer' students who will share their knowledge and experience for local elementary, middle and high school students and act as their mentors. The sharer students of YU selected are scheduled to begin full-fledged sharing activities from April by teaming up with over 100 institutes such as local children's centers and elementary, middle and high schools.
영남대 학생들이 지역아동센터에서 지식나눔 활동을 펼치고 있다 (2).jpg
 The activities are a part of the '2016 College Student Youth Education Support Project' supervised by the Korea Student Aid Foundation. YU was recently selected as an outstanding university for the '2016 College Student Youth Education Support Project' and received 350 million won from the government. YU received 120 million won in 2014 and 230 million won in 2015 for this project, and it has continuously expanded education donation activities of students. Last year, 269 YU students engaged in knowledge sharing activities at 102 institutes including local children's centers.

 Noh Yoon-seo (21, Department of Family and Housing Studies, senior), who applied for sharer activities this year for the second straight year, said, "I was always interested in volunteer activities. This is related to the welfare sector, which is my major, and so I have been going to local children's centers and teaching elementary school students," while adding, "I can't spend too much time because I have to study and prepare for employment, but I am planning to go meet the students whenever I have time. I would like to continue to share my knowledge like this even after I graduate."
영남대 학생들이 지역아동센터에서 지식나눔 활동을 펼치고 있다 (1).jpg
 The YU Sharer students this year will help teach local youths and also provide support in arts and physical education, and also act as a mentor to provide career advice and counseling. In particular, YU organized a specialized arts and physical education program to engage in education donation activities using knowledge gained from their majors. It is expected that comprising sharer teams with students majoring in arts, music and physical education, it will be possible to provide an opportunity for a wider range of arts and physical education to local youths with relatively less opportunities to learn about arts and physical education.

 Yoo Si-seob (41) of the YU Student Support Team that prepared this program said, "Activities that share knowledge and experiences can act as the cornerstone for not only the individuals sharing knowledge, but also for the local community to become more fruitful." He added, "We will develop more knowledge sharing programs so that more YU students can participate in them and work on spreading the culture of sharing."