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"Welcome '16 Freshmen!“ N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2016.03.02 09:32
  • Views : 7879
Freshmen 'admissions ceremony + orientation + new home' held together
Over 4,000 freshmen attends the first integrated event
Orientation comprised of introduction of academic system and education program, welcoming event, and special lecture for youths
[February 28, 2016]
<2016 Freshmen admissions ceremony>
 “As soon as I got to school, I participated in the orientation and new home together with seniors and professors, so I was able to interact with my fellow classmates and seniors and learn more about the school. It was short, but I feel a sense of belonging to the school!"

 Jeon Hong-beom (18), who enrolled at the YU Department of Chemical Engineering as a freshman of '16, participated in the freshmen orientation and new home (freshmen's new home for learning) and has high anticipations for his college life that will now begin.

 YU held a large-scale new home event together with a freshmen orientation for the freshmen of '16 and received good reactions from the freshmen. After holding admissions ceremonies on the 23rd and 24th by dividing the 2016 freshmen into two groups, the location was moved to Muju of Jeollabuk-do, where an orientation and new home event was held for 2 nights and 3 days for 4,000 freshmen.
 First off, eight colleges including the College of Engineering and the College of Business and Economics held the admissions ceremony at the Cheonma Art Center Grand Hall at 10 a.m. on the 23rd, and on the 24th, six colleges including the College of Liberal Arts and the College of Political Science and Public Administration held their freshmen admissions ceremony. The freshmen who officially became students of YU with the declaration of approval of admissions by YU President Noh Seok-kyun then boarded a bus to Muju to participate in their first college event, which was the freshmen orientation and new home event.

 These two groups gathered at the Muju Taekwondowon on the 24th to hold a general freshmen orientation. YU held the admissions ceremony, freshmen orientation and new home event together for the first time ever. In the past, the admissions ceremony and orientation was overseen by the university, while the new home event was held according to the schedule of the individual colleges. This year, however, the admissions ceremony, orientation and new home event were held together to increase the participation rate of freshmen.

 The orientation, which kicked off with the introduction by the student government and student autonomy organization, was joined by most of the freshmen. It attracted attention of the freshmen by providing various information that the students would need in school life such as school convenience facilities and various programs in the school such as academic and scholarship programs, career, career development, and international exchange, etc.
<'16 Freshmen Orientation held at Muju Taekwondowon>
 During the orientation, a video welcoming speech was given by YU alumni such as the governor of Gyeongsangbuk-do Kim Gwan-yong (Economics '65), CJ Group Vice-chairman Lee Chae-wook (Law '64), National Assemblyman Joo Ho-young (law '78), and others who are leaders in different parts of society. It was followed by a lecture titled 'YU's history and creative education spirit' so that the freshmen could hear about the background on establishing YU and its history and so that they may gain a spirit of creative education and noblesse oblige, and pride for their school.

 In the last part of the orientation, the youth adventurer Lee Dong-jin who was awarded the Korean Ideal Figure Award gave a lecture titled, 'YU, a Time to Change Your Life'. Mr. Lee talked about his experience in life that he lived with a sense of passion and challenge, and challenged the freshmen to heighten their sense of self-esteem and to design their future.

 After the general orientation, the freshmen participated in the new home event offered by each college at the Muju Deokyusan Resort and then returned to YU on the 25th and 26th to end their first college event as college freshmen.