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YU Law School, 100% Passes Bar Exam N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2016.05.25 10:19
  • Views : 8093
All 64 students of the 5th batch of graduates pass, 'first in nation' in passing rate for second consecutive year
Of the 32 full-time faculty, 14 working professors and 17 part-time professors who are currently attorneys
3rd batch of graduates also first in nation in employment rate in legal sector, solidifying status as 'prestigious law school'
[May 16, 2016]
<YU Law School Overview>
YU (President Noh Seok-kyun) set a new record of being first place in the nation in the rate for passing the bar exam for the second straight year, and demonstrated that it is a cradle for the legal profession. The 64 graduates of the fifth batch of the law school who graduated in February set an amazing record of 100% passing rate. In the 3rd bar exam, YU Law School was ranked second in the nation for the passing rate, and then took first place in the 4th bar exams last year, and defended its crown this year for the second straight year as it establishes itself as one of the most prestigious law schools of Korea.

 The Ministry of Justice recently announced those who passed the fifth bar exam. Of the 2,864 applicants, 1,581 passed the exam, and it was found that 55.2% of applicants passed, while 79.05% of the quota (2,000) passed.
 First-time applicants this year recorded a national passing rate of 72.75% (1,212 passed, 1,666 applied). Meanwhile, YU Law School made a great achievement of having all 64 first-time applicants who graduated this year pass the bar exam.
 This is not the first time for the YU Law School to achieve this. In 2014, 63 graduates of the third batch applied where 57 passed, recording a first-time passing rate of 90.47% (2nd in nation). The fourth batch of graduates last year recorded 63 out of 64 first-time applicants passing the bar exam.

 The secret to YU Law School's achievement was the student-oriented management policy for education, research and administrative services. The systematic academic improvement and student guidance program accumulated after opening the Law School has become an unrivaled program that is incomparable to any other program.

 Professor review the results of practice tests by students and hold group studies and guidance with students 2 to 3 times a week to raise the academic concentration for students. In addition, case-problem solving education and 1:1 corrective teaching programs for students falling behind are provided to upward adjust the skills of all students in the Law School.

 There is more than just academic support. The school actively manages the concerns and stress of students. There is a researcher exclusively in charge of Law School students at the Student Support Center who provides counseling on the concerns of students and looks for solutions. It is very popular among students and is sought after by students all day long.
영남대 법학전문대학원 모의법정.jpg
<YU Law School Mock Court>
Scholarships reaching 50% of the tuition and the excellent faculty are already well known. Of the 32 full time professors, 14 have background as judges, prosecutors or attorneys. These full-time professors gave up their vacations and come to school to offer special lectures and to provide guidance for group studies. These practical professors are assigned 1:1 with students who are hoping to become law clerks and prosecutors. 17 part-time professors who are currently in the legal profession are also taking charge of practical education. Former Supreme Court Justice Bae Gi-won, Former Judicial Policy Research Institute Director Choi Song-hwa, and Former Public Prosecutor General Jung Sang-myung served as chair professors, and Former Supreme Court Justice Cha Han-sung is providing guidance to students as a chair professor.
 Furthermore, desks in the reading room were all changed to 30cm larger desks for the convenience of students when the study. The students were taken into consideration in all of the convenience facilities as well such in the 24 hour study hall, rest lounge, sleeping room, kitchen, and shower room. In particular, the faculty even delivered midnight snacks for students studying late into the night as they provided both physical and mental support.
 The Law School Director Geum Tae-hwan said, "YU Law School has been reorganizing its system to become optimized for students to study, and we are now nearly in the completion phase," and added, "The united efforts of professors, employees and students with the full support of the university made it possible to have such great results." YU President said, "We had outstanding results being first place in the passing rate for bar exams for the second consecutive year, as well as a passing rate of 100%. This was possible because all members of the university including professors, students and employees worked together," and added, "The university will continue to provide support so that it can become firmly established as a prestigious law school."
 Meanwhile, the YU Law School has also made impressive achievements in employment rates of graduates. According to data submitted by the Ministry of Education to the National Assembly's Legislative & Judiciary Committee, YU ranked first in the nation with 67.1% in the legal profession employment rate compared to the 3rd batch of law school graduates in the 25 schools nationwide (2,000 student quota). The average employment rate in the legal sector for the 3rd batch of the 25 universities was 44.9%. YU ranked second (80%) in general employment rates (national average employment rate compared to 3rd law school quota 69.2%), and is thus solidifying its status as a prestigious law school.