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Building Friendships between Korean and Japanese College Students through the ‘New Joseon Tongshinsa’! N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2016.09.08 10:42
  • Views : 7833
YU and Hiroshima University of Economics engage in joint exploration projects in Korea and Japan
Following the traces of the Joseon Tongshinsa and also examine the modern history and culture of Daegu
Invited to the 'Joseon Tongshinsa Event' hosted by the Korean Consulate General in Hiroshima and make joint presentation of the visitation results
Plans to sum up the exploration route and propose tourist packages to Japan's largest travel agency
[August 29, 2016]
<YU-Hiroshima University of Economics regional join exploration project team visits Tsushima Banshoin, Japan's nationally designated historic site>
 Joint projects pursued by college students of Korea and Japan are receiving attention as a new type of Korea-Japan cultural exchange.
 This is the 'Joint Exploration Project in Korea and Japan' conducted by the YU Department of Japanese Language & Literature and the Hiroshima University of Economics. This project was pursued after the Hiroshima University of Economics 'Wakatabi project team' proposed the 'Joint exploration of Tsushima (Daema-do), Japan' under the theme of Joseon Tongshinsa in February of this year. The Wakatabi project team is one of the 17 student-led project teams pursued by the Hiroshima University of Economics and it is a project team that explores areas both in and outside of Japan under the theme of traveling, and it proposes new travel plans.
 As part of the joint exploration, the two universities held a meeting to examine the past, present and future of Korea-Japan exchange from the 8th to 14th. In a three night and four day schedule from the 8th to 11th, students from the two universities chased the tracks of the Joseon Tongshinsa in Tsushima, Japan. The students listened to the lectures and commentaries of local researchers of Tsushima and Joseon Tongshinsa experts, and engaged in local exploration activities focusing on the regions related to Korea-Japan exchanges. In addition to YU Department of Japanese Language & Literature and Hiroshima University of Economics students, professors and graduate students of the YU Department of Cultural Anthropology archaeology exploration team and the Nagasaki International University also participated and received warm responses from the students of the two countries.
<Results of the joint exploration are being presented at 'Daegu-Haru', a Korea-Japan cultural exchange space located in Daegu>
The students who completed their activities returned to Korea on the 11th and held an opportunity to organize the results of the joint exploration and to share what they learned at YU until the 14th. They presented their joint exploration activities in Japan at 'Daegu-Haru', which is a space for cultural exchange between Korea and Japan in Jung-gu of Daegu, and shared their opinions (photo on left). Furthermore, they visited the Daegu Modern History Museum and the Heeum Japanese Military Comfort Women History Museum and the Daegu Chinese School to share their thoughts about the history and culture of Daegu in modern history, as well as the history of Korea and Japan.
 Lee Min-hee (24) a senior at the YU Department of Japanese Language & Literature who participated in the Korea-Japan joint exploration activities, said, "In order to trace the tracks of our ancestors and Korea remaining in Japan, we conducted thorough preliminary investigations for three weeks before carrying out the on-site investigations." She added, "It was fulfilling because we were able to see and feel many different things. It was also great that the exploration was conducted with senior students majoring in cultural anthropology who shared a lot of their expertise."
 This joint exploration project will go beyond being simply exchange activities between universities, but be used in a variety of ways in connection with government institutes and companies. Five students from the YU Department of Japanese Language & Literature were invited to the regular Joseon Tongshinsa event held jointly by Hiroshima Prefecture and the Korean Consulate General scheduled for October. At this event, YU students will present the joint exploration results together with students from the Hiroshima University of Economics, and are also scheduled to participate in the Joseon Tongshinsa parade. Furthermore, in February of next year, the contents of the joint exploration will be summed up and proposed as a travel package to Japan's largest travel agency, JTB, and is expected to assist in the cultural exchange with other citizens.
<Visit to Daegu Chinese School>
 YU Department of Japanese Language & Literature Dean Choi Bum-soon said, "We are planning to actively pursue exchange under the theme of regional understanding and peace activities between Korea and Japan based on sister schools such as the Hiroshima University of Economics and Hiroshima University." He added, "By spreading the cultural exchange activities that started with college students into different fields, it will contribute in expanding the mutual understanding of Korea and Japan, which has complex historic, political and social relations.
 Meanwhile, YU made sisterhood relations with the Hiroshima University of Economics in February of 2011 and has been pursuing exchange projects. In October of last year, the YU Department of Japanese Language & Literature and the Japanese culture visiting team (24 people) visited the Hiroshima University of Economics and engaged in cultural exchange activities under the theme of Korea-Japan peace to begin full-fledged exchange between the two universities.