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YU Education and Research Recognized by Chinese Government! N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2016.12.28 10:37
  • Views : 8258
YU and Tonghua Teachers College of China, Chinese Foreign Cooperation in Education, Chinese government approved '2+2 Double Diploma Program'
Open YU major course and dispatch professors to national university in China
Expected to contribute greatly in attracting excellent international students from China
[December 15, 2016]
왼쪽부터 영남대 김진삼 총장 직무대행, 지앙궈 중국 통화사범대학교 부총장.jpg
<YU and Tonghua Teachers College of China received approval from the Chinese Ministry of Education to pursue the Chinese Foreign Cooperation in Education program.>
           YU's education and research capacities were recognized by the Chinese government for its excellence.
 Recently, YU and the Tonghua Teachers College, a national university of China, signed an MOU and agreed to engage in the 'Chinese Foreign Cooperation in Education' program. The 'Chinese Foreign Cooperation in Education' program is a policy being pursued by the Chinese government to open join curricula between Chinese educational institutes and foreign educational institutes, and to offer joint education programs for Chinese students in China. Only universities that received approval from the Chinese government are allowed to engage in this program.
 In September, approximately 200 Chinese universities applied for the 'Chinese Foreign Cooperation in Education' program, but only 24 universities were approved from the Chinese Ministry of Education. In particular, 10 universities located in Jilin Province applied, and only Tonghua Teachers College, which agreed to engaged in the 'Chinese Foreign Cooperation in Education' program with YU, received approval. Through this program, dual diplomas between the two universities will be recognized, and thus the YU education program received international recognition for its excellence.
 For this program, Tonghua Teachers College Vice President Jiang Guo, International Exchange and Cooperation Office Director Lin Lingxia and Department of Food Engineering Dean Xu Jing visited YU on the 14th and discussed detailed operation plans.
14일 영남대와 중국 통화사범대학교가 중외합작판학 프로그램 운영을 위한 세부 내용 협의를 위해 영남대를 방문했다..jpg
 While meeting with acting YU President Kim Jin-sam, VP Jiang Guo said, "Among the universities that applied for the Chinese Foreign Cooperation in Education program in Jilin Province, only Tonghua Teachers College received approval from the Ministry of Education. This is the recognition of the Chinese government of the world-class education and research capacities of YU." He added, "We hope that exchange will not be limited to food engineering, but spread to other academic fields such as the medical sector."
 As YU and Tonghua Teachers College engage in the Chinese Foreign Cooperation in Education program for food engineering, plans are being made to specially pick Chinese freshmen who will complete the educational course in September 2017. Students will complete a two-year course at Tonghua Teachers College and a two-year course at YU to complete the '2+2 dual diploma' program. As part of this, part of the YU Department of Food Science and Technology major will be opened at Tonghua Teachers College and YU's Department of Food Science and Technology professors will be dispatched to Tonghua Teachers College to teach Chinese students.
 Acting YU President Kim Jin-sam said, "Actual international exchange between our universities have begun by opening joint educational programs and diploma programs with the approval of the Chinese Ministry of Education." He added, "Through the Chinese Foreign Cooperation in Education program, it will help attract international students coming to study at YU at their own expense such as completing a diploma program at YU by excellent Chinese students."
 Tonghua Teachers College is the only four-year university in southeast Jilin Province of China and was founded in 1929. It has 15 colleges and approximately 12,000 students. It was selected as an excellent university by the Ministry of Education's evaluations in 2016 and its strength is in its medical sector.