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'Grand Prize' for Second Straight Year at College Trade Remedy Contest N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2016.12.08 09:24
  • Views : 7763
School of International Economics and Business 'International Economics Research Society' proves to be incubator for trade experts
In past 5 years, won 4 awards including grand prize and runner-up
Adapted actual case to show damaged company, highlighted with legal analysis
[December 2, 2016]
<School of International Economics and Business International Economics Research Society that won the grand prize for two straight years at the College Trade Remedy Contest>
 YU School of International Economics and Business International Economics Research Society (Professor Jeon Jeong-gi) students won the grand prize at the '2016 College Trade Remedy Contest'. It was the second consecutive year that they won the grand prize. YU won four awards in the past five years at this contest including the grand prize and runner-up, once again proving that the YU School of International Economics and Business is an incubator for trade experts.
 The 'College Trade Remedy Contest' has been held since 2005 with the purpose of raising interest of college students on trade remedy systems and to foster experts regarding trade remedy systems, and is supervised by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy's Trade Commission and the Korean Federation of Small and Medium Businesses. This year is the 12th event and it was joined by 164 students from eight universities around the nation. The theme of the contest was traditional trade remedy systems such as anti-dumping, compensation duties, and safeguard systems, and participants demonstrated the series of processes from case-studies to trade remedy rulings by acting in a play by adapting actual cases in the unfair trading sector such as violation of intellectual property rights and violation of origin marking.
  At the contest recently held at the Korean Federation of Small and Medium Businesses building in Yeouido, Seoul, each team put on theatrical performances related to trade remedies for 40 minutes each. YU's 'International Economic Research Society' won the grand prize and received the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Award and a cash prize of 5 million won.
 As about 20 students made up a team and they had to do case-studies, write scripts, make props, and put on an interesting 40 minute play, it took months just to prepare for this. 22 students of the YU International Economic Research Society divided their roles into the script team, acting team, and prop team, and prepared for this contest for about five months from June.


 YU School of International Economics and Business sophomore Kim Jong-gyu (22), who was in charge of the scripts, said, "We carefully analyzed the conditions of the Korean company at the time based on actual cases, and searched for relevant laws for legal facts that were in dispute and used in the script." He added, "I think we received good reviews from judges and participants because we made the public hearing part, which includes relatively specialized areas such as trade and legal interpretations in a way that it was easy to understand and entertaining."
 The YU International Economic Research Society's theme was 'Dumping import of Japanese stainless steel thick plate and damages to the domestic industry'. They made a play to explain the process of resolving the industrial damages of domestic manufacturers due to the dumping exports of Japanese companies through the trade remedy system of the trade commission.
 YU School of International Economics and Business sophomore (22) who was the leader of the team at this contest said, "I thought that it was important to make a good script and act without making any mistakes. Also, because it was a theatrical contest, the acting team practiced speech to express the script clearly and held numerous rehearsals, while making editions and supplementations to make the most of the characters," and added, "I think we gained knowhow through the years of work and awards received by our seniors. I hope that next year, our juniors will also work to win the grand prize for three consecutive years."
 The YU School of International Economics and Business International Economic Research Society is an international economics research academic club made up mostly of undergraduates. It was founded in 1989 and there are more than 100 students registered in the club.