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“Improve Global Capacities as an Overseas Exchange Student!” N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2016.11.23 13:52
  • Views : 7772
'First YU Exchange Student Expo' held on 9th and 10th
Current exchange students abroad and foreign exchange students at YU joined to offer vivid accounts and information
Participated by 14 sister universities from 12 countries, provide exchange student information and local living tips
[Nov 10, 2016]
‘제1회 영남대 교환학생 엑스포’에서 교환학생으로 파견 온 외국인 학생들에게 설명을 듣고 있는 영남대 학생들 (1).jpg
<First YU Exchange Student Expo>
 YU held its first Exchange Student Expo.
 This expo was held at the square in front of the clock tower at the main gate of YU for two days on the 9th and 10th. This event was organized with the goal of improving the global capacities of students by providing overseas exchange student program information and to encourage participation.
 This expo, which was held under the supervision of the YU International Exchange Team, was joined by 14 sister universities from 12 countries including Germany, France, Sweden, England and China. At the booths for each university, YU's international PR ambassador students, foreign students studying at YU as exchange students, and students who studied abroad as exchange students participated in the event.
 Leonie Mahacke (22) from the Philipp University of Marburg in Germany said, "Through the exchange student program, I was able to learn a lot especially in the cultural sector," and added, "Through this expo, I would like to give detailed information such as studying majors in foreign universities, local cultures and environment, and cost of living to my friends who are interested in exchange student programs."
 At the expo, domestic and foreign students who participated in actual exchange student programs offered vivid and realist information based on their experiences such as housing, life, culture and education in a foreign country, and received great reviews from students.
 Yang Min-seok (22, YU School of Mechanical Engineering, sophomore) who visited several booths including Germany and Vietnam, said, "I wanted to study abroad as an exchange student when I am a junior. I came here to receive information." He added, "By studying as an exchange student, I will noy only be able to improve my foreign language skills, but also gain global capacities that will help me to find the job I want and can also help me at work as well. I hope to gain information on many universities through this opportunity and choose the country and university I want to go as an exchange student to."
 Sung Gyung-mo (25, YU School of Mechanical Engineering, senior), who returned after studying at Skovde University in Sweden for one year from August 2015 said, "While experiencing the culture and classes different than that of Korea, I was able to learn a lot despite the short time. The exchange student program is a program to kill four birds with one stone to improve global capacities, earn credits, and to save time and expenses compared to other study-abroad programs." He added, "I wanted to recommend by friends and juniors to this and that is why I participated in this expo."
‘제1회 영남대 교환학생 엑스포’에서 교환학생으로 파견 온 외국인 학생들에게 설명을 듣고 있는 영남대 학생들 (2).jpg


  In addition to the exchange student program, YU also used the expo to provide information on various overseas programs such as the concentrated domestic and foreign outbound pilot program (OPP), themed backpacking program (Window to the World), language and cultural exchange program between foreign exchange students and domestic students (LPP, buddy program), and mid- to long-term language programs with overseas sister universities.
 15th YU International PR Ambassador Chairperson Jung In-joon (25, School of Economics and Finance, junior) who prepared for this expo said, "In addition to exchange student programs, YU operates various overseas dispatch programs and global capacity improvement programs. I hope that students come not only to events such as this expo, but also regularly visit the school's international exchange team or homepage to obtain information and participate in actual programs in order to take another step out to internationalization."
 Meanwhile, YU signed sisterhood relations with 358 universities in 50 countries as of November 2016 and is currently operating various international exchange programs. Every semester, over 200 YU students are sent overseas as exchange students, while over 200 foreign students from overseas sister schools are studying at YU. YU is planning to expand upon the exchange student expo held for the first time this year to improve the international capacities of students next year.