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‘2016 YU Job Fair’ N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2016.09.08 09:56
  • Views : 7842
For two days from the 7th, joined by 80 companies and institutes such as conglomerates and public companies including Samsung, Lotte and POSCO
Held simultaneously with the Daegu Chamber of Commerce 'College Recruit Tour'
Various other events offered such as consulting by employment experts and interview image-making


  YU (President Noh Seok-kyun) will hold a large-scale job fair in light of the open hiring season in the second half of the year.
 From the 7th until 5 p.m. on the 8th at the YU Cheonma Art Center, the '2016 YU Job Fair' event will be held. This event, which is co-hosted by YU and the National Research Foundation and co-sponsored by the YU LINC Project Team and Daegu Chamber of Commerce, will be participated by over 80 companies and institutes such as conglomerates including Samsung Life, Samsung Fire, Lotte Group and POSCO, public corporations such as the Korea International Trade Association, Daegu Metro, SL, Sangsin Brake, and Pyunghwa Holdings, as well as strong small and medium companies.
<2015 YU Job Fair>
 This job fair will include not only a corporate employment hall for employment counseling by company and to provide various employment information, but also a consulting hall that offers interview image-making and consulting from employment experts to students preparing to gain employment, as well as an event hall for taking resume photos and caricatures. 
 This job fair will be held simultaneously with the 'College Recruit Tour' hosted by the Daegu Chamber of Commerce to resolve the issues with mismatching for local companies and excellent human resources. The Recruit Tour, which will be held at the YU College of Science auditorium at 2 p.m. on the 8th, will include corporate seminars and employment consulting with the best medium-sized companies in the region. During the job fair, the Daegu Chamber of Commerce is also planning to provide free 'work aptitude examinations' in the morning of the 8th for 220 students who applied online in advance.


 YU Student Capacity Development Office Director Yoon Sang-heum, who organized this event, said, "In order to provide more employment opportunities for job-seeking students, we organized a job fair joined by not only major subsidiaries of conglomerates such as Samsung and Lotte, but also public corporations, foreign companies, as well as strong local companies of middle standings." He added, "It is possible to obtain details on the best medium-sized companies in the region, which is sometimes hard to come by, so it will be a good opportunity for students searching for jobs."
 Meanwhile, YU is also planning to hold an employment seminar from Hyundai Construction on the 6th prior to the job fair, and is scheduled to continue holding campus recruiting and employment seminars from domestic conglomerate subsidiaries as well.