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Sur Gil-soo Starts Terms as 15th President of YU N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2017.02.08 11:10
  • Views : 8417
“The next four years will be the most important 'golden time' in the history of YU"
“We will establish our position as a ‘region-based education-centered university'"
Official appointment ceremony to be held at the YU Cheonma Art Center at 2 p.m. on the 15th
[February 6, 2017]


  Sur Gil-soo (64) officially began his term as the 15th president of YU on the 15th.
 YU President Sur who was appointed as the 15th president of YU by the Yeungnam School Foundation executive board on December 14 will lead YU for the next four years with the vision, 'incubator for of diligent and talented human resources, bright and strong university - Yeungnam University'.
 Mr. Sur earned his bachelor's in engineering at Seoul National University and his master's and PhD at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, and served as a professor of YU from March 1978. He served in a number of major posts at YU including the vice-president of education, president of the external cooperation department, director of the education support office, and director of the industry-academic research office. Outside of YU he served as the vice-chairman of the Polymer Society of Korea, regional director of the Daegu-Gyeongbuk branch of the Polymer Society of Korea, and academic director of the Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry.
 YU President Sur said, "I feel a great sense of responsibility and duty by taking on this important position as the university president at the 70th year anniversary of YU." He added, "Recently, the university society is faced with an unprecedented crisis. There is a growing interest throughout society on the operation and finances of universities, and all universities in Korea are now in an age of unlimited competition for survival. The next four years will be a crucial 'golden time' that will be the most important in the history of YU."


 Sur Gil-soo (64) officially began his term as the 15th president of YU on the 15th.
 YU President Sur who was appointed as the 15th president of YU by the Yeungnam School Foundation executive board on December 14 will lead YU for the next four years with the vision, 'incubator for of diligent and talented human resources, bright and strong university - Yeungnam University'.
 Mr. Sur earned his bachelor's in engineering at Seoul National University and his master's and PhD at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, and served as a professor of YU from March 1978. He served in a number of major posts at YU including the vice-president of education, president of the external cooperation department, director of the education support office, and director of the industry-academic research office. Outside of YU he served as the vice-chairman of the Polymer Society of Korea, regional director of the Daegu-Gyeongbuk branch of the Polymer Society of Korea, and academic director of the Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry.
 YU President Sur said, "I feel a great sense of responsibility and duty by taking on this important position as the university president at the 70th year anniversary of YU." He added, "Recently, the university society is faced with an unprecedented crisis. There is a growing interest throughout society on the operation and finances of universities, and all universities in Korea are now in an age of unlimited competition for survival. The next four years will be a crucial 'golden time' that will be the most important in the history of YU."