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Public Employees of Laos Spend Own Money at YU for 'Saemaul' Training N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2016.11.23 13:54
  • Views : 7809
20 high ranking public officials including the governor and vice-governor of Bolikhamxay
Received 5 days of Saemaul Undong education and field studies at the YU Institute for International Development
Unprecedented case for persons from emerging countries to receive training at own expense... Recognition of 'high quality of Saemaul education'
[Nov 11, 2016]
라오스 볼리캄사이주 주지사를 비롯한 고위 공무원들이 영남대 국제개발협력원에서  자비(自費)로 새마을운동 연수를 받았다 (2).jpg
<High ranking public officials such as the governor of Bolikhamxay, Laos spent their own money at YU to receive 'Saemaul' training.>
Global requests and interests on learning about the Saemaul Undong is rising.
 Recently, senior public officials of Laos spent their own money to come to YU and receive training Saemaul Undong. This shows that YU's Saemaul Undong training program is receiving attention as premium global education.
 From the 7th to 11th, the YU Institute for International Development Cooperation (Director Han Dong-geun) conducted Saemaul Undong training programs at the request of Bolikhamxay Province of Laos. This Saemaul Undong program held for four nights and five days was joined by 20 high ranking public officials of Bolikhamxay including Governor Kongkeo Xaysongkham) and Vice-governor Bounseng Pathammavong.
 This training session was organized through the direct request of Bolikhamxay Province, Laos to learn about the economic development experience and policy knowhow of Korea through the Saemaul Undong at YU, which is an educational institute specializing in Saemaul Undong. This was even more meaningful as all costs for the program was paid for by Bolikhamxay Province. Most of the Saemaul Undong training in Korea for personnel from emerging countries were of invitations by the central and local governments, public institutes and companies. However, the Saemaul Undong training at YU by public officials from Bolikhamxay, Laos was a very rare case where they paid for all expenses. It is judged that this is another case in which the meaning and value of the Saemaul Undong was recognized by the international community.
 The participants received education on 'Saemaul Undong and Korea's economic development' and 'Application plan of the Saemaul Undong and Korea's regional development policies for Bolikhamxay, Loas', while also joining various field trips to experience the development history of Korea at Ulsan Hyundai Motors and Pohang POSCO.
라오스 볼리캄사이주 주지사를 비롯한 고위 공무원들이 영남대 국제개발협력원에서  자비(自費)로 새마을운동 연수를 받았다 (1).jpg
Governor Kongkeo Xaysongkham of Bolikhamxay Province who came to YU leading a group of 20 said, "I was able to see and learn a lot about Korea's compressed growth and the role of the Saemaul Undong," and added, "Based on the Saemaul spirit that I gained through this program, I will try to integrate the Saemaul Undong and Korea's development experience in the local development of Bolikhamxay Province."
 Bolikhamxay Province, which is located in the central region of Laos, has an area of 15,977㎢ and a population of approximately 250,000 making it the 10th largest province of Laos. It possesses rich natural resources and various cultures, but it has a weak labor force due to its small population and the majority are in absolute poverty. However, due to the unique sentiments of Laos, it is having trouble overcoming poverty. It is expected that with the senior public officials from Bolikhamxay, Laos receiving Saemaul Undong training, it will be possible to help develop the local economy by utilizing Saemaul Undong.
 Institute for International Development and Cooperation Director Han Dong-geun, who oversaw this training program, said, "The success of the Saemaul Undong depends heavily on the understanding of the Saemaul spirit and the changed attitude of residents and the firm philosophy and will to continue the policies by leaders." He added, "I hope that the experiences in this program will be a good opportunity to apply the Saemaul Undong to fit the circumstances of Laos."