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YU Makes 'Mugunghwa Park' on Arbor Day N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2017.03.31 10:20
  • Views : 8233
The National Institute of Forest Science under the Korea Forest Service donated 198 three-year seedlings of 33 varieties of domestic and foreign mugunghwa (rose of sharon)
Joined by 150 people such as students of the Department of Forest Resources and Landscape Architecture to establish the 'Mugunghwa Variety Preservation Center' within the campus
To be used for preservation of mugunghwa varieties, research, and field studies
[March 24, 2017]
24일 영남대가 캠퍼스 내 민속촌에서 ‘무궁화 품종 보존원’ 조성을 위한 식목 행사를 가졌다 (3).jpg




  YU (President Sur Gil-soo) held a plant-planting event right ahead of Arbor Day (April 5).
 On the 24th, 198 specimens comprised of 33 varieties of the mugunghwa (rose of sharon) were planted in front of the Folk Village Hwasan Seodang inside of campus. Over 150 people participated in this event including YU Vice President of Administration Han Dong-geun, Facility Management Office Director Kim Gi-chae, College of Life and Applied Sciences Dean Kang Yong-ho and students from the Department of Forest Resources and Landscape Architecture.
24일 영남대가 캠퍼스 내 민속촌에서 ‘무궁화 품종 보존원’ 조성을 위한 식목 행사를 가졌다 (2).jpg
<Department of Forest Resources and Landscape Architecture students participating in the plant-planting event to establish the 'Mugunghwa Variety Preservation Center'>
 Vice President of Administration Han Dong-geun said, "It is meaningful to plant the mugunghwa, which is our national flower, donated by the National Institute of Forest Science for Arbor Day." He added, "I hope that this small event today will be an opportunity to give hope to future generations and to be a time for us to remember to love our country."
 The mugunghwa planted today were donated by the Korea Forest Service's National Institute of Forest Science, and we are planning to make this into a Mugunghwa Variety Preservation Center (Senior Researcher - Department of Forest Resources and Landscape Architecture Professor Lee Do-hyung) in order to preserve the varieties of the mugunghwa, as well as conduct research and studies on it. The mugunghwa donated by the National Institute of Forest Science are all three-year seedlings comprised of 33 varieties, where 24 are domestic and 9 are foreign.
무럭무럭 자라라!.jpg
  Kim Hee-young (23, senior in the Department of Forest Resources and Landscape Architecture) who participated in this event said, "As a student majoring in forest resources, I have been participating in plant-planting events every year. It is even more meaningful this year as we were able to create a Mugunghwa Variety Preservation Center within the campus with the help of the National Institute of Forest Science." She added, "I hope that the experience of planting a tree in this event will be an opportunity for students to take care of trees and treat them with care."