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2016 Creative Job Awards 'Gold and Bronze' N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2016.12.28 10:30
  • Views : 8011
Part of Ministry of Labor's 'Youth Employment Academy', joined by 178 project teams from 21 universities around the nation
Created unique and original jobs such as 'Moss Gardener' and 'Slice Room Residential Manager'
Profession that enhances uses of plants by integrating textile designs in natural moss wins gold
[December 12, 2016]
<YU students who won the gold and bronze awards at the 2016 Youth Employment Academy Job Creation Awards>
 YU students won the gold and bronze awards at the '2016 Youth Employment Academy Creative Awards' with their unique and original creative job items.
 This contest was organized to share the achievements of job creation by participants of the 'Youth Employment Academy Job Creation Process' hosted by the Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Human Resources Development Service of Korea. A total of 879 people from 178 project teams of 21 universities around the nation participated, and 15 teams made it to the finals held at the Seoul KDB Life Tower Dongji Art Hall on the 6th.
 After displaying the results of the project activities of each team and holding presentations, Harmony Team comprised of five students at YU's Department of Clothing and Fashion, Department of Horticulture and Life Science, and Department of Philosophy took home the gold prize with their job creation item titled 'Moss Gardener'. Team Heim comprised of students from the Department of Family and Housing Studies won the bronze with their item titled 'Slice Room Residential Manager'.
 'Moss Gardener' refers to a person who uses scandia moss, which is a famous natural moss, and textiles to develop and apply various items that can be used in everyday life such as wall ornaments, interior and other goods. Team Heim that won the bronze came up with the job 'Slice Room Residential Manager' who would help residents of slice rooms living in areas that social welfare workers and residential welfare workers have difficulty in helping. Slice room residential managers would engage not only in examining the residential environments, offering services to improve residential areas, and making safety inspections of those in vulnerable residential areas, but also provide emotional support and help with employment activities to improve the overall life of those living in slice rooms.
 Team leader of Harmony, Park Go-woon (23, YU Department of Horticulture & Life Science, senior), who led the team during the seven month project period, said, "Horticulture had limited uses such as being used only for aesthetics or natural air purifiers such as scandia moss. We wanted to integrate the eco-friendly functional plants with textile designs to make everyday products so that its uses can be expanded." She added, "By linking with the new occupation of 'Moss Gardener', we are even planning on making start-ups. It will be possible to come up with a good start-up item by concretizing and branding the functions and uses of related products and the roles of a moss gardener."