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‘2017 HARMONY,’ 23,000 YU Students’ New Start! N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2017.04.12 15:14
  • Views : 8193
2017 Freshmen Welcoming Ceremony and Inauguration Ceremony for Self-governing Student Organizations Held
5,000 people including YU president and students participate, with constituents of YU coming together and pledging ‘YU’s development and unity’ 
General Student Council will form “Students’ Special Committee for YU Development and drive the 20,000 YU Students’ Campaign for YU Development Fund Raising”
[Mar 30, 2017]
<2017 YU freshmen welcoming ceremony and inauguration ceremony for self-governing student organizations held in YU’s open-air auditorium>
  All constituents of Yeungnam University (“YU”), including president, professors, and students, came together and held a meaningful event of pledging for YU’s development and unity.
 At 6 PM on the 28th, YU’s General Student Council (president Hun-Il Lee) held the ‘2017 YU Freshmen Welcoming Ceremony and Inauguration Ceremony for Self-Governing Student Organizations’ in YU’s open-air auditorium. YU President Sur, Gil Soo, YU faculty/staff including headquarters officials and deans of colleges, members of student councils and federation of student clubs, and freshmen - 5,000 or more in total – participated in that event.
 This event was prepared not as a ceremonial event simply announcing inauguration of self-governing student organizations but a venue for all YU constituents including freshmen, students, professors, and staff to come together and pledge YU’s development and unity.
 Mr. Hun-Il Lee (25-year old senior majoring in electric engineering), the General Student Council president, said, “the 50th, HARMONY General Student Council of YU prepared for this inauguration ceremony to strengthen our resolve for YU’s development,” and promised “General Student Council will listen carefully to the voices of 23,000 fellow YU students, and lead the way so that all constituents of YU will be united and go forward in the same direction.”


 At the event, in addition to pre-ceremony performances by YU’s Chunma (Flying Horse) Cheering Squad, dance majors in the School of Kinesiology (College of Human Ecology & Kinesiology), and the Department of Korean Classical Music students (College of Music), there were greetings by chairman of the faculty council and chairman of the non-faculty staff’s union, and introductions of self-governing student organizations including presidents of student councils, federation of student clubs, and central audit committee), and then General Student Council’s inauguration was officially proclaimed. In particular, General Student Council, in the ceremony for its inauguration (main event), declared that it would form the ‘Students’ Special Committee for YU Development’ and drive the ‘20,000 YU Students’ Relay Campaign for YU Development Fund Raising,’ and held a balloon flying event wishing for YU’s development and YU constituents’ unity.
 General Student Council plans to make an extensive drive for ‘1,000 Won per student’ fund-raising campaign from the students, until the start of Daedong Festival, YU’s festival scheduled for May. The entire amount raised will be contributed to the University Development Fund during the Daedong Festival.
 President Sur, Gil Soo said, “On this day at this place, I have engraved deep in my heart our students’ earnest wish for YU’s development,” and “I will do my best as president to make YU a university which the students want and take pride in.”