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YU Alumni Power Even in the United States N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2017.06.12 10:19
  • Views : 8256
US General Alumni Association held general meeting in Atlanta from 27th to 29th
Donated 5,000 USD for school development funds and 4,000 in scholarships to young YU students studying in the US
9th general meeting to be held in Vancouver, Canada in 2019
[May 31, 2017]
5월 27일부터 29일까지 미국 애틀란타에서 영남대 미주총연합동창회 제8회 정기총회가 열렸다..jpg
<The YU US General Alumni Association's 8th general meeting was held in Atlanta, USA.>
 The power of YU (President Sur Gil-soo) alumni shined bright in the US.
 The YU US General Alumni Association (chairman Lee Il-geon, Chemical Engineering '69) held the 8th general meeting at the Sonesta Hotel in Atlanta, USA from May 27 to May 29.
 For this general meeting, former professor at the University of Georgia Jeon Heung-won (77, Pharmacology '58) who is the senior vice chairman of the YU US General Alumni Association acted as the chairperson of the steering committee. A total of over 150 YU alumni all across the United States such as Lee Don (61, Architecture '73) who was the first chairperson of the US General Alumni Association and CEO of Active USA Inc. Seo Hyeok-kyu (54, Pharmacology '81) who is the chairperson of the Atlanta Alumni Association attended this event. YU President Sur Gil-soo and External Cooperation Office Director Lee Hee-wook also attended this general meeting.
 At this general meeting, the US General Alumni Association donated 5,000 dollars as school development funds and also gave a total of 4,000 dollars in scholarships for two YU students studying in the US to support them in developing into global talents.
 At the general meeting, chairman of the association, Lee Il-geon (66) said, "There are few universities that regularly hold general alumni meetings by gathering alumni from all around the United States. This is possible because YU alumni who are leading Korea are also leaders throughout the American community." He added, "The US General Alumni Association will take the initiative for the development of our alma mater and to help our juniors at YU to experience a bigger world. I hope that YU alumni will be highly active not only in the US, but throughout the world."
 The YU US General Alumni Association held its founding ceremony in LA in October 2002 and there are a total of 10 local alumni associations across the Americas such as Chicago, New York, Washington, San Francisco, Dallas, Vancouver, and Toronto. The US General Alumni Association's general meetings are held biannually and the 9th meeting in 2019 is scheduled to be held in Vancouver, Canada.
 Meanwhile, YU President Sur Gil-soo who visited the United States to attend this meeting first went to LA to hold a meeting with 15 YU students participating in internship programs in the US.
 Mr. Sur said, "By gaining practical experience in local companies through overseas internship programs, as well as cultural experiences to expand your horizons, it will help you in your professional career after graduating." He added, "Please do your best throughout the remaining internship and return to YU by becoming global talents."
Over 100 YU students are in internship programs in the United States in American companies and US offices of Korean corporations including Forever 21, Active USA and Asiana.