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YU Holds Cultural Event in Commemoration of '70th Anniversary' N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2017.05.12 15:05
  • Views : 8381
<70 Years of YU in Records> Exhibit held at 1st floor lobby in central library until the 19th
Over 80 major records possessed by YU Museum and donated artifacts by faculty and alumni on display
College of Music students to hold <Wednesday Recital> in campus every Wednesday in May from the 10th
[May 10, 2017]
<70 Years of YU in Records>
 YU (President Sur Gil-soo) will hold various cultural events for students and the community at the campus in commemoration of the 70th year since the founding of the school.
 YU opened a commemorative exhibit at 2 p.m. on the 10th at the first floor lobby of the central library that shows the history of YU in a glance. This exhibit, held under the title '70 Years of YU in Records' will be held until the 19th. This exhibit puts on display important records on historical moments in which YU developed into one of Korea's top private educational institutes. The exhibit includes a total of over 80 pieces including records and panels in a total of seven sectors such as the history of YU, admissions, student activities, graduation, campus, education and research, and administration.
 The pieces on display are records possessed by the YU museum with high historical value and records that were awarded in the 'YU 70th year anniversary Cheonma historic data collection contest'. YU held a contest on historical records of the university for five months from June of last year for faculty, alumni and the general public. During the contest, a total of 2,281 historic pieces including 463 publications, 21 documents, 513 audio/video materials, and 1,284 administrative and historic pieces were collected from individuals and groups including faculty, alumni, honorary professors and students.
<'YU 70th year anniversary Cheonma historic data collection contest' award winning records>
 In addition, students in the College of Music also prepared small recitals for fellow students and community members in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of YU. Students of the YU College of Music majoring in traditional Korean music, vocal music, and orchestra will hold a one-hour recital every Wednesday in front of the Law Hall within the YU campus. They are scheduled to hold a total of four recitals every Wednesday starting with their first one at noon on the 10th.
<Students of the College of Music held a recital in campus in commemoration of the 70th year anniversary of YU>
 YU President Sur Gil-soo said, "YU fostered over 220,000 talented individuals over the past 70 years and has developed to not only a top-notch local university, but one of the most prestigious private educational institutes of Korea." He added, "I hope that students and faculty will gain more pride for YU through the recitals and exhibit to celebrate and look back upon the 70 years of our school, and I also hope that this will be an opportunity for the community to also remember the history of the past 70 years."