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“Get a Snack, Get an A+!” N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2017.04.27 10:33
  • Views : 8430
YU President Sur Gil-soo takes part in 'A+ snack delivery' on the morning of the first mid-terms together with professors and student government
Encouraged students while handing out cup-rice, beverages and snacks
[April 20, 2017]

“Dear students! Eat your A+ snack, and best of luck in your tests!”
 YU President Sur Gil-soo delivered snacks to students coming to school early in the morning of the first day of the 2017 first semester mid-terms.
 At 7:30 a.m. on the 20th, the YU president and professors came out with the student body to deliver morning snacks for students coming to school early to study for their tests. A long line of students formed at the B1 lobby and staircase of the YU Central Library to receive their snacks.
 Ok Tae-hee (25, School of Architecture, junior) who stayed up the night studying for the mid-terms said, "I did an all-nighter studying for my exam in the morning. I was really happy with this surprise snack at the library. I hope that I will have good results since I will be taking my exam on a full stomach." Lee Gap-gyeong (24, School of Electric Engineering, senior), who said she came at 6 a.m. to the library to make sure she has a seat, said, "I came to school early to study, and then I stood in line to get a snack." She added, "I am hoping that I will ace the mid-terms since I received a snack from the president of YU. It would be great if we can get snacks every morning during the mid-terms."
 YU Student Government Chairman Lee Hoon-il (25, School of Electric Engineering, senior), who prepared for this snack event, said, "The student body prepared this snack event hoping that we can help students during their exams, no matter how small the help may be." He added, "Aside from this snack event, we will do our best to help students in their college life."
  The snack delivery was carried out simultaneously at the basement lobby of the YU Central Library and the first floor lobby of the Science Museum. Cup-rice, beverages and snacks for a total of 800 people were prepared, which emptied out in not even 20 minutes thanks to the high popularity of students.
 YU President Sur Gil-soo said, "I know that students are tired from studying for their tests and coming to school early, but I hope that our students do well and never forget that myself, professors, and fellow classmates are rooting for you." He added, "I hope that the students have a healthy breakfast and do well in the tests."