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Department of Special Physical Education Awarded by International Federation for Adapted Physical Activity N

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  • Date : 2017.06.28 13:28
  • Views : 7986
Professor Park Ki-yong wins 'best contribution award' and Department of Special Physical Education awarded 'volunteer award'
Recognized for successful hosting of the 21st International Symposium of Adapted Physical Activity
Professor Park Ki-yong appointed as Korea's only member to the International Federation for Adapted Physical Activity Committee
[June 20, 2017]
<Department of Special Physical Education Professor Park Ki-yong received the best contribution award from the International Federation for Special Physical Activity>
 The YU Department of Special Physical Activity professor and students received the best contribution award and volunteer awards at the recently ended '21st International Symposium of Adapted Physical Activity (ISAPA2017)', once again proving YU's capacities as a leader in global special physical education.
 ISAPA2017, which was held at the Daegu Textile Complex from the 12th to 16th was held as the largest event to this day with over 500 professors and researchers from over 50 nations around the world under the slogan 'Create a New Paradigm and Go Beyond APA'.
<Award winners of the 21st International Symposium of Adapted Physical Activity>
 At the awards ceremony prior to the closing of this event, YU Professor of Special Physical Education who served as the chair for the steering committee of this symposium received the 'best contribution award' from the International Federation for Adapted Physical Activity. In addition, YU Department of Special Physical Education Kim Han-cheol, Professor Shim Tae-young, and Kim Gyeong-ho (YU Graduate School) received contribution awards, while the YU Department of Special Physical Education received the volunteer service award. Thus, both professors and students of YU were recognized for their services in the successful hosting of this international academic conference.
 In particular, Professor Park Ki-yong, who was the chairman of the steering committee for this symposium, was recognized for his abilities by the International Federation for Adapted Physical Activity to become the first Korean to be appointed as a committee member. He was also officially invited to the 22nd symposium scheduled to be held in Virginia, USA in 2019. Professor Park is currently the chairman of the Asian Society for Special Physical Education. Last year, he contributed in the successful hosting of the 14th Asian Society for Special Physical Education International Academic Conference and has been recognized globally for his expertise in the special physical education sector.
 Professor Park said, "The successful hosting of this international academic conference is very significant in that Korea and the Korean academic world played a leading role for global special physical education." He added, "We will take the lead in spreading special physical education around the world by linking the excellent models of advanced nations with that of underdeveloped countries."
 Meanwhile, ISAPA is held biannually in different continents. This year at the international academic conference, presentations and workshops were also carried out for the development and distribution of the Special Olympics.