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‘YU-Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education’ MOU N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2017.08.09 11:16
  • Views : 8071

Pledged to gather capacities of the two institutes to improve education, research and academic exchange for departments related to automobiles

Goal to foster talented human resources for the future automobile engineering sector

[July 21, 2017]

왼쪽부터 베트남 호치민기술교육대학교 자동차에너지공과대학 응 푹 손 학장, 영남대 자동차기계공학과 황평 학과장.jpg



The YU Department of Automotive Engineering and Vietnam's Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education Department of Automobile and Energy Engineering agreed to work together to foster talented human resources in the automobile engineering sector.


On the 20th, YU Department of Automotive Engineering Dean Hwang Pyeong (right on photo) visited the HCMC University of Technology and Education in Vietnam and met with the university president Do Van Dzung and Department of Automobile and Energy Engineering Huynh Phuoc Son (right on photo) to sign an MOU.


With this agreement, the two universities agreed to work together to seek for cooperation plans according to joint research, cyber lectures, the Asian University Network's engineering certification program, and the Accreditation Board for Engineering Education of Korea (ABEEK) program, for student and professor exchange and exchange systems for fostering human resources in the future automobile engineering sector.

YU Department of Automotive Engineering Dean Hwang Pyeong said, "Professors who earned their degrees at YU and gained technological and research capacities in Korea are currently fostering students at the HCMC University of Technology and Education, and it is therefore expected that there will be synergy effects for fostering specialists in automobile engineering."

20일 영남대 자동차기계공학과와 베트남 호치민기술교육대학교 자동차에너지공과대학이 자동차공학 분야 인재 양성을 위한 MOU를 체결했다..jpg

There are currently three professors who earned their PhDs at the YU Graduate School of Mechanical Engineering at HCMC University of Technology and Education. Two of them are vice-deans and one is the dean, thus showing that they hold key positions at this university. They are currently passing on their knowledge and experience in engineering that they picked up at YU and Korea for young talents in Vietnam.


HCMC University of Technology and Education President Do Van Dzung who was also present at the MOU signing ceremony said, "I hope that in addition to cooperation and exchange in the automobile engineering sector, we can have a more comprehensive MOU for various other academic fields."


The HCMC University of Technology and Education was founded in 1962 and is a public university with 20,000 students. Thanks to the development of Vietnam and its rapid growth, the employment rate of graduating students is approximately 98%, and its educational performance has thus been recognized. The main facilities of the university were built with the support of Australia, Japan, Germany, Australia, etc., and it is currently receiving support from 'USAid', which is an American government institute in charge of foreign aid of the US.


At the MOU signing ceremony held at the HCMC University of Technology and Education in Vietnam, YU School of Mechanical Engineering Professor Kim Byung-il explained the 'Development of the Korean Automobile Industry and NVH (Noise, Vibration, Harshness) Research', and received huge responses. Vietnamese students asked many questions about Korea's automobile industry and technologies, and about studying at YU.