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Chair Professor Lee Don-gu Receives Honorary Doctorate’s at Kasetsart University of Thailand N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2017.12.06 13:33
  • Views : 8066
Royal family of Thailand recognizes contributions to the development of forestry in the ASEAN region
Served as director of the Korea Forest Service and chairman of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations and played a huge role as an international scholar on forestry
Fostering students by teaching international students from emerging nations as a chair professor at the Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul
[November 30, 2017]
<Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul Chair Professor Lee Don-gu received an honorary doctorate’s degree at the Kasetsart University of Thailand for his contributions to the development of the forestry industry.>
(From left to right: Chair Professor Lee Don-gu, Kasetsart University President Chongrak Wachrinrat)
YU Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul Chair Professor Lee Don-gu (71, former director of the Korea Forest Service) received an honorary doctorate’s degree from Kasetsart University in Thailand for his contributions to the development of the forestry industry on the 25th of last month.
 Kasetsart University, which is a prestigious national university of Thailand, was established in 1943 and has seven campuses including one in Bangkok with over 45,000 students enrolled, being one of the biggest universities of Thailand.
 Chair Professor Lee Don-gu led education/research training for 12 years (2000-2011) as the project supervisor of Kasetsart University in the Korea-ACEAN environment cooperation project (AKECOP) and was recognized for his contributions to the development of forestry in the ASEAN region. Korea has been fostering ASEAN regional experts through AKECOP from 2000.
<Princess of Thailand Chulabhorn Walailak gives YU Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul Chair Professor Lee Don-gu an honorary doctorate’s degree.>
  Chair Professor Lee Don-gu served as the director of the Korea Forest Service, chairman of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations, and chair of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCDD), playing a big role as an international scholar on forestry. Professor Lee is judged to have contributed greatly in the development and dissemination of domestic forest sciences through his abundant research experience and international relations.
 Professor Lee majored in forest sciences at Seoul National University and focused only on forestry for over 40 years. He is currently serving as a chair professor at the YU Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul to pass on the success experiences and knowledge of Korea’s forestry and greenification to international students from emerging countries through lectures on afforestation and forest ecologies.