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Chinese Alumni of YU Leads China N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2017.11.08 09:23
  • Views : 8072
‘Chinese Alumni Meeting in China’ held. Over 70 alumni meet to strengthen ties
Active in various parts of society such as college professors, public officials, national institutes, and global companies
Chinese alumni network to act as a bridge for YU’s global exchange
[October 30, 2017]
<The ‘YU Chinese Alumni Meeting in China’ was held in Beijing, China on the 28th.>
“See here, the old land of Silla~ Where the spirit of the nation lives and breathes...”
 YU’s school song was sung under the skies of Beijing, China. In the afternoon of the 28th, despite it being a holiday, over 70 Chinese YU alumni working in different parts of China gathered at the Rose Day Hotel in China. They made time from their busy schedules to attend the ‘YU Chinese Alumni Meeting in China’.
 This alumni meeting was the second meeting held in China since the general meeting for the founding of the ‘YU Chinese Alumni Meeting in China’ in 2012. They work in different fields such as public officials for the central and provincial government of China, college professors, major national institutes and public corporations of China, and the Chinese branches of Korean conglomerates such as Samsung, Hyundai and LG as they lead the development of China in different parts of Chinese society.  


  Key university figures such as YU President Sur Gil-soo and External Cooperation Office Director Lee Hee-wook also attended this alumni meeting. YU President Sur said, “Graduates from YU are doing great things only in Korea, but also the US, China and other parts of the world. Coming to Beijing, the heart of China, I can really feel just how much power YU alumni has in China.” He added, “Even at this very moment, over 800 Chinese students are studying hard in YU. I trust that they too will become leaders of China in the near future like you. I hope that the YU alumni association will act as the center as global leaders that lead not only China, but the entire world.”
 At the alumni meeting, Doctor Yin Binfeng was elected as the second alumni chairman to succeed Nankai University Professor Cui Xun, who was the first chairman of the alumni association since 2012. Dr. Yin graduated from the YU Graduate School joint master’s and PhD program in mechanical engineering this year and is currently working at the Chinese National Center for Nanoscience and Technology.
 Mr. Yin said, “I feel a grave sense of responsibility to act as chairman on behalf of my seniors serving in different parts of China. Together with all my seniors here, I will lead our Chinese alumni association with other juniors who have graduated from YU and are working in China.” He added, “We will not stop at being simply an international student alumni meeting in China, but continue to strengthen our ties with YU by constantly interacting with our alma mater.”
<YU visited the Chinese National Center for Nanoscience and Technology and discussed exchange plans.>
  YU is planning to strengthen its global network through its alumni network in China. Prior to this meeting, YU President Sur Gil-soo visited the Chinese National Center for Nanoscience and Technology on the 27th to discuss global exchange plans for professors, students and research, and the YU alumni in China are acting as a bridgehead for exchange activities in China.
 Meanwhile, the alumni that attended the meeting collected funds for YU’s development. They collected donations and handed it over to YU President Sur, and promised to meet again with more alumni in the next meeting. The funds that they donated will be used to promote the international student alumni association and as scholarship funds for Chinese students studying in China.