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Vice President at US University Who Graduated From YU Comes to YU for International Exchange and Cooperation N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2017.11.08 09:22
  • Views : 8040
Vice-President Chang Eun-woo, Chemistry Class of ‘81, visits YU
Signed exchange MOU in December 2016, active exchange student program
Agreed to increase exchange programs such as internships, industry/academic cooperation, joint international research, cultural experience groups, etc.
[October 31, 2017]
<Ashland University Vice-president Chang Eun-woo (left), a YU alumni, visited his alma mater to agree on exchange plans between the two universities.>
 On October 24, Vice-president of Ashland University Chang Eun-woo (55) visited YU to discuss exchange plans between the two universities.
 Mr. Chang is an alumnus of YU as the Class of ‘81 in the YU Department of Chemistry and has been serving as the vice president of Ashland University since February 2016. It is very rare for a Korean to serve at such an important high-ranking position in foreign universities.
 Mr. Chang was welcomed by YU President Sur Gil-soo and they discussed plans to expand exchange activities between the two universities such as expanding the exchange student program, pursuing mutual internship exchange, joint industry-academic cooperation projects, joint international research, and short-term cultural experience teams.
 Mr. Sur said, “Students going to Ashland University as exchange students will feel a great sense of pride as their senior from YU is serving as the vice-president.” He added, “Interaction will continuously be expanded in various fields such as students, professors and research for the globalization of the two universities.”


YU signed an international academic exchange agreement with Ashland University in December 2016, and there are currently three YU students at Ashland University as exchange students. Mr. Chang also met with five YU students who are scheduled to go to Ashland University in the first semester of next year.
 Ashland University that was founded in 1878 is a private university located in Ohio and has approximately 5,700 students. The university was ranked 131st in the Washington Monthly’s 2016 College Guide and Rankings, and its MBA program is in the top 40 of the United States.