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Former YU Student Body Chairman Donations Continue’ N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2017.11.08 09:20
  • Views : 8047
Alumni Kim Tae-woo, the 44th student body chairman, donates 20 million won on 26th for scholarships
Founded ‘Social Run To U’ and donated 49 million won for school development funds, etc. since 2013
[October 31, 2017]
<CEO of Social Run To U (right) Kim Tae-woo, who was the 44th YU Student Body chairman, donated 20 million won to be used for development of the university.>
 Social Run To U CEO Kim Tae-woo, who is a former student body chairman of YU, made news with his continuous donations. He donated 4 million won to YU in July of this year and again donated 20 million won on October 23.
 Kim Tae-woo (32), the 44th student body chairman of YU, founded the cultural organization ‘Social Run To U’ to plan and host various cultural performances, and has been donating parts of the revenue from performances as development funds for YU since 2013. Mr. Kim donated a total of 49 million won through six separate occasions over the past five years.
 Social Run To U hosted the Dokdo Protection Hip Hop Festival during the Chuseok holidays and donated 20 million won from the revenue from the concert to YU. The funds donated by Mr. Kim will be used for student scholarships.
 Mr. Kim said, “Though it is not much, I want to help my alma mater and my juniors at YU whenever I have the chance.” He stated, “I worked hard in school and I am working hard now in society, and I am always hoping that YU and my juniors will do well.”
 YU President Sur Gil-soo said, “I am proud to have a fellow alumnus who graduated from school and is continuously donating funds for the university and juniors, while also leading the culture of donating.” He added, “The university will continuously provide support so that other students will also graduate and be able to put in their part in society.”
 ‘Social Run To U’ is a cultural organization established by college students and young professionals in 2013 to give hope, encouragement, advice, and to spread a new culture of donating to youths. This company planned concerts such as the Dokdo Protection Hip Hop Festival since 2013 and has been donating part of its earnings for college development funds and has been leading the donation culture through various cultural projects.