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2017 Graduation Ceremony N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2018.03.07 09:28
  • Views : 8435
Graduation ceremony for general graduate schools held at the Cheonma Art Center Chamber Hall at 10:30 a.m. on the 22nd
82 PhD, 571 master’s and 3,833 bachelor degree diplomas given
[February 22, 2018]
 YU (President Sur Gil-soo) held the 2017 graduate school graduation ceremony at the Cheonma Art Center Chamber Hall at 10:30 a.m. on the 22nd.
 The colleges and special graduate schools such as Law School, Business Administration, Public Administration, Environment & Public Health Studies, Sports Science, Clinical Pharmacology, Education, Engineering, Arts & Design, and Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul also held graduation ceremonies.
 On this day, 3,833 received their bachelor’s degree, 571 master’s degree, and 82 PhDs at YU. YU President Sur Gil-soo, Dean of Graduate School Lee Tae-jin, and Yeungnam School Foundation President Han Jae-sook attended the graduation ceremony to hand over the diplomas and congratulate students on their graduations.
 During his congratulatory address, YU President Sur Gil-soo said, “I would like to congratulate the graduates who worked hard for several years and received their honorable degrees.” He added, “Those who have graduated today are now lining up for a new beginning. I am confident that you will be the leaders of the future of Korea instilled with a sense of pride as alumni of YU and a grave sense of responsibility. I ask that you confidently embark on the path you desire with passion and ambition.”
At this graduation ceremony, Mrs. Kim Young-ja became the oldest person to receive her diploma by receiving her bachelor’s in business after commuting between Goesan, Chungbuk and YU for four years. Also, 179 international students (26 bachelor’s, 125 master’s, 28 PhD’s) received their diplomas and 416 undergraduate school students received multiple diplomas of two or more.