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Future Teachers Make Donations for Fourth Year from Festival Earnings N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2018.06.27 11:33
  • Views : 8065
Students of the YU Department of Early Childhood Education hold bazaar during college festival and donate earnings
Donated 3.58 million won to ChildFund Korea for four years since 2015
Sharing becomes a department tradition... Plans to engage in talent donation activities such as education volunteering
[June 8, 2018]

<YU Department of Childhood Education students who donated festival earnings for the fourth year>
College students who held bazaars during college festivals every year have become a beautiful story.
 They are students of the YU Department of Early Childhood Education. They donated 710,000 won that they earned from a bazaar held during the May school festival and donated the money to ChildFund Korea, a children’s welfare institute, on June 4. This is the fourth year since beginning donation activities in 2015. They have donated a total of 3.58 million won to organizations involved with young children.
 Students who participated in the donation activities said, “Though it is not much money, it is rewarding that through our campaign people might have gained more interest on needy children around us.”
The YU Department of Early Childhood Education enjoyed festivals a bit differently from the normal college festival since 2015. they have been participating in various campaigns and charity drives for ‘young children rights advocacy’ that is related to their major. At this festival, they sold clothes and bags donated by undergraduate and graduate students and also sold bracelets that they hand-made to continue the donation activities. The students said that they plan to use what they learned in their majors to engage in other talent sharing activities utilizing their knowledge and talents.
 YU Department of Early Childhood Education student president Kim Hye-joo (21, junior) said, “We are planning to make a school club to engage in education volunteer activities for needy children and also plan to donate educational tools that students made to preschools, etc. We hope that such sharing will become a tradition of our department.”
 YU Department of Early Childhood Education Dean Yoon Jae-hee said, “I am proud to see the students plan out campaigns and practice sharing,” and added, “When considering the social atmosphere that emphasizes sensibility for human rights as capacities for teachers of young children, the experience of sharing time and passion for young children will have a positive impact on the future young children teachers.”