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Jump-starting Global Capacities as Overseas Exchange Students! N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2018.06.14 09:57
  • Views : 8011
Third YU International EXPO held on 16th and 17th
47 international students from 22 universities in 13 different countries participate to offer information on local life and culture
Introduction of globalization programs, offer consulting on overseas internships and employment
[May 16, 2018]
YU (President Sur Gil-soo) held the ‘3rd YU International EXP’.
 YU has been holding the EXPO annually since 2016 to strengthen the global capacities of students. It is receiving huge interest from students as it offers information on various international programs such as overseas exchange student programs.
 This EXPO, which was held in front of the clock tower at the main gate of YU on the 16th and 17th, was joined by 47 international exchange students from 22 sister universities from 13 nations including France, Poland, USA, Brazil and China. At the booths provided for each university, foreign students studying at YU as exchange students and former exchange students who went abroad to study at foreign universities took part to introduce their respective nations and local universities, while also offering their first-hand experiences and practical information on living abroad, their cultures, etc.
Lee Tae-joon (23, YU School of Economics and Finance, junior) said, “I am considering applying to become an exchange student in the second semester of this year. However, it was more difficult than expected to obtain information so I came to this EXPO. I am very interested in universities in the Eastern European region. I came to the EXPO and found that there are many universities from different countries, so I am gaining a lot of information here.” He added, “It was great that I could not only learn about the educational programs of local universities, but also in-company club activities, as well as public safety and everyday life.”
Through this EXPO, YU offered information on various international programs such as the exchange student program, backpacking program on different themes (Window to the World), language and cultural exchange program between foreign exchange students and local students (LPP, Buddy Program), etc. Also, overseas internship agencies and college job centers also participated to provide overseas internship and employment information as well.
 Meanwhile, YU currently has sisterhood relations with 389 universities and institutes in 50 countries around the world and is operating international exchange programs. As of the first semester of 2018, a total of 167 YU students are studying abroad in 57 colleges in 15 countries, while 148 foreign students from 41 sister universities in 15 countries are studying at YU.