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Out to the World during Vacation... Improving Global Capacities! N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2018.07.12 10:10
  • Views : 8356
Over 460 students dispatched over summer break for overseas volunteer programs, overseas internships, backpacking, overseas field trips linked to majors, visits to advanced industries, etc.
Overseas volunteer corps, “We will elevate the status of Korea as YU ambassadors!”
[July 3, 2018]
<The 35th Overseas Volunteer Corps launching ceremony was held at the YU College of Education auditorium in the afternoon of the 2nd.>
YU students will travel around the world this summer break to elevate their global capacities. YU operates various overseas dispatch programs during vacations every year. This summer break, around 460 YU students will embark to different parts of the world.
 One of the most famous overseas dispatch programs of YU is the ‘overseas volunteer corps’. A total of 2,570 students participated in a total of 34 overseas volunteer corps programs since 2001. This summer break, the 35th overseas volunteer corps will be sending 57 students to Laos, Mongolia and Uzbekistan to engage in overseas volunteer programs. They held a launching ceremony at the YU College of Education auditorium at 3 p.m. on the 2nd and will take part in volunteer activities for two weeks during July. 
 The volunteers will go to local elementary schools to volunteer in education and environmental improvement. The volunteers will be divided into the four teams of education, art, physical education and culture where they will provide Korean and English education, Korean music, masked dance and traditional Korean games to spread the Korean culture. During their volunteer period, they will also conduct educational environment improvement activities such as repairing the floors in elementary schools.
 Bae Jae-han (24, School of Economics and Finance, senior), who is the team leader of the Mongolia team in the 35th overseas volunteer corps, said, “It is the first time going overseas for volunteer activities, so there are many things to prepare for. Our team members shared the work and made a lot of preparations, so I am sure that we our volunteer services will be helpful at the site.” Bae added, “As we are representing YU, we will do our best to elevate the status of Korea and YU.”
<YU overseas volunteer corps>
 One of the most popular overseas dispatch programs supported by YU is ‘Window To the World’. In ‘Window To the World’, students make up teams and set their own theme to go on backpacking trips around the world. Selected students are given round-trip airfare, etc. by the school. Since starting in 2002, a total of 2,520 students traveled around the world. This summer 122 students will go backpacking around the world such as Europe, Australia, Japan, China, etc. in teams of 2 and 3.
In addition, about 280 students will participate in overseas internships programs at local businesses abroad in the US, Hong Kong and Japan, as well as field trips to overseas companies, overseas field work linked to majors, short-term language programs, and overseas business start-up programs in England, Taiwan, Thailand, China, Cambodia, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, etc. Thus, a total of 460 people will travel around the world this summer break.
 YU President Sur Gil-soo said, “I hope that during this summer break, students will be able to travel around the world to broaden their horizons and have the opportunity to amass various activities,” and added, “YU will develop and support a wider variety of overseas dispatch programs so that more students will be able to gain a broader global mindset.”