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“Let’s Conserve Energy Together!” N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2018.06.07 11:32
  • Views : 7963
School of Architecture saves 10 million won annually in power costs through the energy conservation campaign
Looking to install ‘solar power generator’ with national funding... Taking the initiative for constructing a green campus
“Need participation of everyone to create an energy-saving, eco-friendly campus”
[May 29, 2018]

<YU Mechanical Facility Situation Room>

The YU School of Architecture (Dean Kwon Jong-wook) is reaping fruit from its energy conservation activities.
 The YU School of Architecture engaged in various energy conversation campaigns for students and faculty, which resulted in saving 24% of energy compared to the previous year (2016). When converting to annual electrical costs, this is a saving of more than 10 million won.
 The School of Architecture held regular meetings for professors, administrative office and student government and reached an agreement that it is necessary to conserve energy in the school. Through this, they began participating in energy-conservation activities in everyday life such as avoiding use of the design lab in late hours, turning off lights in classrooms when empty, avoiding unnecessary use of computers in the design lab, recommending limited use of heating and cooling facilities, attaching energy-saving stickers, disconnecting power cords for hot water in restrooms during the summer, etc. In result, energy consumption at the Architecture Hall (including the College of Engineering) dropped significantly from 204tCO2e (units converting electric power usage into carbon emissions) in 2016 to 156tCO2e in 2017. <See carbon dioxide emissions table below>
<School of Architecture (Architecture Hall) energy consumption> 
건축학부(건축관) 에너지 사용량.jpg
※ The above data is the conversion of electric usage into carbon emissions and it is information for constructing an eco-friendly campus by conserving energy and resources.
The School of Architecture took another step to take the initiative for constructing a green campus. The School of Architecture was selected for the 2018 Renewable Energy Distribution (Building Support) project hosted by the Korea Energy Corporation. Through this project, the School of Architecture will install an annual 25MWh solar power generator using funds of 43 million won including 18 million won from national funding and from the development fund for the School of Architecture. It is estimated that this will save an annual 2.6 million won.
 YU Facilities Management Office Director Kim Moon-jae said, “We hope that in addition to our energy element tracking management, database construction and other activities, all of the members of the university will voluntarily participate in various energy conservation activities.”