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Professor Choi In-ho’s team, publishes ‘SCI Academic Journal Cover Article’ N

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  • Date : 2018.10.31 11:13
  • Views : 8249
Co-researched the effects of muscle on diabetes and obesity with the research team from the medical school
Published a series of renown academic journals, research results internationally recognized as they received an academic award

<Department of Biotechnology Professor Choi In-ho and his research team>
(From the left- professor Lee Eun-joo, professor Khurshid Ahmad, professor Choi In-ho, and professor Mohammad Hassan Baig)

A dissertation issued by Professor Choi In-ho’s research team of YU Department of Biotechnology was selected as the cover article of the October 2018 issue of ‘Cells (IF=4.85)’, an internationally renown academic article.
 This dissertation was conducted as a joint study between Professor Choi’s research team and YU Medical School. The primary authors are professors Khurshid Ahmad and Lee Eun-joo, and Professor Park So-young (physiology laboratory) and professor Moon Joon-sung (endocrinology) participated as co-authors.
Professor Choi’s research team has not only been studying for the past 10 years the formation of normal muscle of extracellular substances made from the process of the differentitation of stem cells in muscle tissue, but also the effects on diabetes and obesity.
 Professor Choi stated that “Muscles take up 30~50% of our body and it not only has the function of body movement, energy storage, and body temperature control, but also is a tissue that consumes a considerable amount of blood sugar in the body. The decrease of the amount of muscles within the body or abnormalities in consumption of sugar in muscle can be important factors that can cause adult diseases such as diabetes.”
The dissertation that was selected as the cover article is a review article (a dissertation that suggests a perspective and an opinion after inclusively evaluating previous research results of one topic from an expert of the field or an authority)  based on 4 dissertations that the Professor Choi’s research team published at renown academic journals such as Scientific Reports and FASEB Journals from 2016 to 2018.
Moreover, professor Choi’s research team’s another dissertation is prospected to be published in December on ‘Seminars in Cancer Biology, IF=10.2’, a globally authoritative journal on cancer research. Additionally, the research power has been internationally recognized as professors Mohammad Hassan Baig and Lee Eun-joo from professor Choi’s research team had received ‘Excellent Poster Prize’ from International Congress of Sciences hosted by Korean Academic Society of Molecular Cells two years in a row.
 Professor Choi’s main field of research is control of genital functions and development of cancer from female hormones. He started as a YU professor in 2001, and he has been actively engaged in research as he has registered 114 SCI dissertations and 43 domestic and international patents. He filled various posts such as members of the National Science and Technology Review Board, members of the Korea Research Foundation, committee members of the Association of Industry and Education, and exam commissioners of medical and dental school exams.