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Alumni in the US Donate 10,000 Dollars as Scholarships for YU Students N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2018.08.16 10:32
  • Views : 8211
Established the ‘American Alumni Association Scholarship Fund’ with high expectations for many alumni to participate
To be used for financial support for YU students planning to study or train in the US
[August 7, 2018]
<American Alumni Association Chairman Jeon Heung-won (right) hands over 10,000 dollars for scholarships to Chairman Jung Tae-il.>
Alumni residing in the Americas (US, Canada) collected scholarship funds for junior YU students.
 American Alumni Association Chairman Jeon Heung-won (College of Pharmacy, class of ‘58, Honorary Professor at the University of Georgia) met with YU General Alumni Association Chairman Jung Tae-il at the Hotel Interburgo Cymbidium Hall and donated 10,000 dollars for scholarships to be used for YU students. In attendance here were Chariman Jeon Heung-won and his wife and YU alumnus Yoo Jung-ja, former American Alumni Association Chairman Lee Il-geon, Do Soo-hoe, Lee Chan-tae, Vice-chiarman Yoon Min-sook, and former General Alumni Association Secretary General Kang Byung-hee.
 The scholarship fund donated by Chairman Jeon Heung-won is valuable money gathered by alumni currently in the US and Canada. Aside from scholarship funds donated individually by alumni living in North America to the General Alumni Association, the scholarship funds donated by the American Alumni Association now stands at over 34 million won.
 From now on, regardless of the amount of scholarship donated by individual alumnus living in North America, plans have been made to unite it into the ‘American Alumni Association Scholarship Fund’. This fund will be used for purposes such as financial support for YU students planning to study or train in the US and Canada.
 Chairman Jeon said, “We will be prouder as graduates of YU when YU is known as a university with strong alumni bonds and love for the school,” while adding, “When more alumni continue to show interest and add to our efforts, it can act as a cornerstone for our alma mater YU to become one of the most prestigious private universities in Korea.” Jeon also added, “We trust that large scholarship fund contributed by General Alumni Association Chairman Jung Tae-il will set an excellent example for all YU alumni,” and also added, “In order to provide the opportunity in public benefit projects for alumni who moved to the US and Canada to achieve their dreams and have actually reaped successes, both big and small, we established the ‘American Alumni Scholarship Fund’. We have lived receiving various benefits and learning from the culture of donation from the mainstream society here and so I trust that the alumni that understand the purpose of establishing the scholarship fund will be happy to participate.”
 Chairman Jeon also stated, “Successful organizations have a rich pool of human resources who pursue and develop new things so I ask that we contribute our efforts for a scholarship fund for our juniors and to gather our wisdom to become a ‘proud alumni association’ that can raise the pride of all of us.”
 Chairman Jung Tae-il responded, “I extend my deepest gratitude for this valuable scholarship by our alumni the US who are thoughtful of our alumni association and juniors at YU.” He added, “Alone, I am weak and so I ask for the active participation and support from our alumni.”
 Meanwhile, the YU American Alumni Association held its founding meeting in LA in October 2002 and has been holding general meetings biannually in different parts of North America such as Chicago, Toronto and New York, playing a big role for not only improving friendships among alumni in the US, but also for a global YU network. It held its eight general meeting Atlanta in May of last year.