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Three Books Published by YU Selected as ‘Best Academic Books’ by the National Academy of Sciences N

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  • Date : 2018.07.12 10:05
  • Views : 8344
‘Entrepeneurs and Dystopia’, ‘Translation and Annotations of the Poems of Zhu Xi’, ‘Politics of Korean Health and Medicine Reforms’
Selected as the ‘2018 Best Academic Books and Support Program’ of the Ministry of Education
A total of 50 books published by the YU Publication Center selected as best books
[July 2, 2018]
<Three books published by the YU Publication Center selected as ‘Best Academic Books’ by the National Academy of Sciences>
Three books published by the YU Publication Center were selected as best academic books by the National Academy of Sciences.
 The books are ‘Entrepeneurs and Dystopia’ (Lee Jung-hee, et al), ‘Translation and Annotations of the Poems of Zhu Xi’ (translated by Jang Se-hoo), and ‘Politics of Korean Health and Medicine Reforms’ (Kim Sun-yang).
 ‘Entrepeneurs and Dystopia’ examine the initial prosperity and success of companies and entrepeneurs in various countries followed by tragic confrontation and conflict, and failure as dystopia and studies it from various aspects. The authors claim that the abilities of entrepreneurs that produce utopia can lead to falling into dystopia. They focus on the dark side of corporate activities and try to take on a balanced approach to reveal all aspects of corporate activities. ‘Translation and Annotations of the Poems of Zhu Xi’ is a translation of the poems written by the philosopher, Zhu Xi. This collection includes all 1,500 plus poems found in the 10 volumes of ‘Jumungongjip’ and other books. Lastly, ‘Politics of Korean Health and Medicine Reforms’ constructed a comprehensive analysis frame to analyze the political dynamics of the process of health and medicine reforms in Korea. Based, on this, it compares and analyzes major health and medicine reform cases for the politics of health and medicine reforms that continued for over 50 years since the 1960s. It analyzes the beliefs and understanding of the relevant persons during the course of health and medicine reform up until now, direction of public benefit, government roles and political intent, strategic behavior of the actors, etc. in a systematic manner, while empirically examining conflicts, resistance, successes, and failures that occurred during the course of health and medicine reforms
 Meanwhile, these books were selected for the Ministry of Education’s ‘2018 Best Academic Books and Support Program’ and they will be purchased by the National Academy of Sciences and distributed to college libraries and public libraries around the nation. A total of 50 books published by the YU Publication Center have been selected as best books by outside institutes.