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YU Video Club Awarded at the Ministry of the Interior and Safety UCC Contest N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2018.10.18 14:57
  • Views : 8163
The video club REC won 2nd place at the 9th bicycle safety UCC contest
30 second film warning of the dangers of accidents in a film by placing a watermelon in a helmet
[October 10, 2018]

<YU Video Club REC awarded at the Ministry of the Interior and Safety’s 9th bicycle safety photo and UCC contest>
(from second on left to right: Kim Wan-gyu, Yoo Hee-won, Kim Soo-bin)
YU’s video club REC (Recording Essential Crew) won second place at the 9th bicycle safety photo and UCC contest hosted by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety.
 REC, which was comprised of Kim Wan-gyu (23, senior) and Yoo Hee-won (20, sophomore) in the Department of Media and Communication, and Kim Soo-bin (21, junior) in the Department of Visual Design produced and submitted a video to raise awareness on wearing bicycle helmets with the title ‘Bicycle helmets are essential!’. They gave their message in a 30 second film that wearing helmets can prevent injuries.
 Kim Wan-gyu said, “We showed a film showing that wearing helmets can prevent injuries by placing a helmet over a watermelon. I think we received good reviews by emphasizing that wearing helmets is essential when riding bikes with the caption, ‘Helmets – not a choice, but essential’.”
 This contest was hosted by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety to use excellent works as PR material, while notifying the general public that wearing helmets is mandatory when riding bikes and that there will be fines for riding bikes under the influence of alcohol from September. A total of 19 photos and 9 UCCs were awarded and the awards ceremony was held at the Seoul government complex on September 18.