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Gyeongbuk Province, University, Korea National Education Promotion Agency, Global New Gyeongbuk Training MOU N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2018.09.28 14:37
  • Views : 8482
YU and other 5 regional universities, and Gyeongbuk province co-operated training programs for international students. Targeting foreign students, Gyeongbuk Provided training opportunities to experience the manifestation of Four Gyeongbuk spirits
[September 19, 2018]
 Five universities including YU (Yeungnam University, Daegu Catholic University, Daegu Haany University, Kyungil University, Daeshin University) have concluded an agreement with Gyeongsangbuk province and Korea National Education Promotion Agency to conduct training programs for foreign students.
On October 19, at 10 am, along with Lee Cheol-woo, the governor of Gyeongsangbuk province, the university and the related authorities went to YU and agreed to work together within departments to successfully promote the ‘Global New Gyeongbuk people Training.’
<From the left, Vice President of Korea Institute for Korean Studies Kim Sang-joon, Vice President of Daeshin University Yang Seung-hye, President of YU Sur Gil-soo, Governor of Gyeongsangbuk province Lee Cheol-woo, President of Kyungil University Jung Hyun-tae, President of Daegu Catholic University Kim Jeong-woo, and President of Daegu Haany University Byun Chang-hun >
 In accordance with the agreement, the crossing agencies decided to closely cooperate to spread awareness of the excellent cultural heritage of Gyeongbuk to the foreign students living in the Gyeongbuk Global Exchange Center (YU living quarters). Furthermore, they decided to make a joint effort to globalize the four spirits of Gyeongbuk and interchange human and physical resources for the operation of the training programs.
Gyeongbuk province, as Korea’s excellent cultural manifestation, has established the village spirit of Hwarang, Seonbi, Hoguk, and Saemaeul as the identity of Gyeongbuk province, and has been spreaded to adolescents and providential residents. With the signing of the agreement, we can anticipate the globalization of the excellent regional culture to be one step closer as the range has expanded to the foreign students at the 5 universities in the city.

The 'Global New Gyeongbuk people Training program' will be held once to twice for one night and two days in the next month. Through this training, foreign students will visit the main attractions of Gyeongsangbuk province, and have an opportunity to experience the cultural heritage of traditional culture.


Lee Chul-woo, who visited YU to sign this agreement, said, "The region's excellent cultural heritage can lead to the creation of local culture and tourism jobs as well as attracting tourists." With the conclusion of this agreement with local universities, the universities and the local government will grow together and further contribute to the development of the region."
