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Bazaar Held to Lend Support for Earthquake in Indonesia... All Proceeds Donated N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2018.12.05 13:36
  • Views : 8533
Bazaar held by the Department of Saemaul and International Development, IDEA, and Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul
Donated all proceeds to practice the ‘global Saemaul spirit’
[November 29, 2018]
Students at YU stepped up to help victims of the earthquake that shook Indonesia in September.
 Students of the YU Department of Saemaul and International Development and IDEA (International Development Expert Association) and international students at the Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul (PSPS) held a fund-raising bazaar to support victims of the earthquake in Indonesia.
 They held bazaars at the ‘YU Cultural Festival’, which is a festival for international students at YU, on November 8 and at the Global Saemaul Lounge on November 19. They met with YU President Sur Gil-soo in the afternoon of the 29th and delivered 1,304,860 won raised through the bazaar stating their intent to help the Indonesian earthquake victims.
<Fund-raising bazaar for victims of the earthquake in Indonesia held during the ‘YU Cultural Festival’>
The students that hosted the bazaar all study ‘Saemaul’ in undergraduate and graduate school. Events are held every year to share the global Saemaul spirit of industriousness, independence, cooperation, sharing, volunteering and creation. This year, this event was held targeting all YU students to help the victims of the earthquake that hit Indonesia.
 IDEA Chairperson Park Moon-shik (21, Department of Saemaul and International Development, junior) explained, “IDEA donates all proceeds from bazaars held every year. This year, we organized this bazaar to give courage to the citizens of Indonesia who suffered from an earthquake. Many people participated in our event and we thank them very much.”
 Student president Dela Reyna Paulyn Alexis (27, Department of Saemaul and International Development, master’s degree third term, Philippines) at PSPS that prepared for the event together with undergraduate students said, “At PSPS, we are learning the Saemaul spirit and are studying hard to become warm-hearted Saemaul and international development experts.” She added, “I am well aware that as efforts to return the aid received from the international community 60 years ago, YU established PSPS and international students like us are given this opportunity. This bazaar was a meaningful event for us to return, however little, what we received from YU.”
 Students at PSPS also held a bazaar to help the victims of the earthquake in Nepal in 2015 where they gave all proceeds to the Nepalese embassy to fulfill their role as members of the international community. IDEA, which is comprised of students who dream of becoming Saemaul and international development experts, is enhancing their capacities to solve common issues of the global community through various efforts such as internships at international organizations, hosting bazaars, etc.
 The YU Global Community Coexistence Human Resource Fostering Project Team Director Kim Jung-hoon (professor at the Department of Saemaul and International Development), said, “The global community lives as a single community. We should try to understand the pains of those in our neighboring countries devastated by unexpected natural disasters and work together to overcome such issues. Such bazaar is a place of learning by exercising the global Saemaul spirit of industriousness, cooperation, sharing, volunteering, creation, etc.”