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“My Valuable Experience at the UN Put Me a Step Closer to My Dreams.” N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2019.01.31 11:29
  • Views : 9572
Department of English and English Literature Lee Jae-un Selected for UNV... To be Dispatched to Sri Lanka for Six Months from February
Broadened horizons by going overseas as an exchange student and Korean college student representative to the UN
Planning to enroll at a foreign graduate school to enhance expertise in international development
[January 25, 2019]
Lee Jae-eun (23), a senior at the YU Department of English and English Literature, was selected for the UNV (United Nations Volunteers) of the UNDP (United Nations Development Programme).
 Miss Lee will work at a local international organization in Sri Lanka for six months from February to August. The international organization will fund all her expenses during her stay. Lee was selected as the only person from Korea to be dispatched as a UNV to the UNDP PBF team. Lee was finally selected after a video interview with a local UNDP employee in Sri Lanka.
 UNV is an international organization under the UNDP established with the resolution of the UN General Assembly in December 1970. With the goal to contribute to global sustainable development and maintaining peace, it dispatches volunteers to local offices of the international organization to engage in development support and humanitarian relief projects. Miss Lee will participate in international cooperation projects being carried out by the UN for better quality of life and will be in charge of PR using social media platforms to share the importance of volunteering.
 Lee has been gaining experience from long ago with the goal of stepping into the international stage. She went to Northumbria University in England for one year from September 2016 as an exchange student and last summer, she was selected as the World Federation of United Nations Associations ‘UN Korean College Student Representatives’ and went to the New York Headquarters of the UN to interact with current employees for a week.
 Miss Lee said, “My horizons were broadened through my experience as an exchange student for a year and at the UN New York Headquarters. In particular, by making presentations on SDGs (sustainable development goals) at the UN New York Headquarters and sharing opinions with UN experts, I saw the lives of people dedicated to living to contribute to the global community, and I also wanted to participate in the works of the UN.”
 Miss Lee, who is part of the 14th YU International Ambassadors, said, “My experience as an international ambassador for 1 year allowed me to help exchange students and participate in various official international events, and this helped me upgrade my global capacities. Participating in various internationalization programs pursued by the university helped me gain experience to join an international organization.”
 Lee said, “I believe that by working at the UN for six months I will have the priceless experience of being able to work on site to think about the fundamental issues of human rights issues, necessary policies, and the direction and solutions that should be sought after from a pan-global perspective.” She also added, “I am planning to enroll at a foreign graduate school after graduating in August of 2019. I plan to study psychology or international development at graduate school to enhance my expertise.”