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YU Students, “We Will Take Care of the Citizens’ Safety!” N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2018.09.13 09:19
  • Views : 8267
Produced ‘citizen safety’ video together with the Gyeongbuk Provincial Police Agency and Gyeongsan Police Station
Video Club REC made a total of three videos including the illegal filming prevention video ‘The Third Eye’
Received certification of appreciation from the Gyeongsan Police Station
[September 3, 2018]

YU students became guardians of the safety of local residents.
 The video club, REC (Recording Essential Crew) comprised of students in the YU Department of Media and Communication and the Department of Visual Communication Design produced videos together with the Gyeongbuk Provincial Police Agency and the Gyeongsan Police Station to promote community safety and police activities.
 REC produced a total of three videos from last year to July of this year at the request of Gyeongsan Police Station.
 The first video produced in the summer of last year was titled ‘The Third Eye’ made to prevent illegal filming. As illegal filming became a huge social issue in the past few years, the video produced at the time drew a lot of attention. ‘The Third Eye’ is a one minute film depicting illegal filming that occurs at subway stations, rest rooms and locker rooms, and punishment for such actions. This was produced to raise social awareness that sometimes view illegal filming as a simple joke.
<YU Video Club REC>
The second video was titled ‘Gyeongsan Sheriff’. This video shares information on the crime-prevention facilities installed for the safety of the community by Gyeongsan Police Station such as Eagle Security Lamp and crime-prevention mirrors. It promotes crime-prevention facilities that citizens may not have known about, while also giving information on practical ways to use the crime-prevention facilities in the case of emergencies in the four-minute video.
 The most recently produced third video is titled ‘Register Desired Patrol’ that promotes the ‘flexible patrol’ service. This video shares information with the community on the ‘flexible patrol’ service provided when a resident requests patrol at a desired time and place, the police patrols that area at the requested time. This video is currently being aired at the Gyeongsan Lotte Cinema before movies are screened.
 The REC Club students recently received a certificate of appreciation from the Gyeongsan Police Station. It was a recognition for helping with the safety of the community and residents as members of the community.
 Kim Wan-gyu (22, Department of Media and Communication, senior), who is the president of the REC Club said, “We had fun producing the videos as part of our club activities, and it was a pleasant surprise to receive this certificate of appreciation.” He added, “If we are given the opportunity, we would like to produce more public benefit videos.”