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YU Law School Passing Rate for the 8th Bar Exam Second in Nation N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2019.05.29 11:10
  • Views : 8062

Eighth class for law school ranked second following Seoul National University

Passing rate since opening the law school 87.78%, first among non-Seoul universities

Master’s degree rate compared to total admitted students first in the nation... Proven to foster high quality lawyers

[May 21, 2019]

YU (President Sur Gil-soo) once again proved that it is a cradle for fostering lawyers by ranking  second place for passing rates compared to the admitted students for the 8th class following only Seoul National University.
The Ministry of Justice announced the passers of the 8th Bar Exam on May 1. According to this, a total of 3,330 people applied and 1,691 people passed the exam for a passing rate of 50.78%. Upon analyzing the ‘passing rate compared to actual admitted students for each grade’, which is recognized as the most objective standard in the jurisprudence, legal circles, and test-takers, in the 8th exam passing rate, Seoul National University recorded 75.97% followed by the YU Law School at 70.00%, proving that YU has become established as a prestigious law school of Korea by placing second place. In addition, YU took first place among non-Seoul universities for the cumulative passing rate for the 1st to 8th bar exams at 87.78%. It was confirmed that since the opening of the law school, it continued to maintain high passing rates.

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Also, according to the data provided by the Ministry of Justice, the YU Law School took first place in the nation for the rate of earning master’s degrees compared to actually admitted students at 93.59% (577 total students admitted / 540 earned degrees). This demonstrates that YU not only made the achievement of fostering lawyers by passing bar exams, but also in cultivating human resources specializing in jurisprudence through the substantiality of law school education.


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In the case of passing rate compared to total test-takers in the 8th bar exam, YU, Seoul National University, Korea University, Yonsei University, Sungkyunkwan University, Sogang University, Kyunghee University, Ewha Womans University, Hanyang University, and the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies were placed in the national top 10 in passing rates. YU Law School is the only school located outside of Seoul among the top 10 universities. Among non-Seoul universities, YU Law School took first place (61.17%), followed by Pusan National University (49.12%) at second place and Kyungpook National University (45.45%) at third place.


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The secret to the success of the YU Law School is in the student-oriented operation principles such as education, research administration services, etc. The academic growth and student guidance program accumulated since the opening of the law school has become an unrivaled program incomparable to that of other law schools.

To be  more detailed, advisors offer comments on the results of practice tests taken by students and hold group studies or individual lessons with students two to three times a week to enhance the concentration of students. In particular, the overall capacities of students at the law school were upgraded through education focusing on case problem-solving and 1 on 1 correction guidance programs for under-performing students.
Furthermore, its exceptional scholarship support and excellent faculty are already well known. Full-time professors often turn in their vacation to offer special lectures or provide assistance in group studies, while professors who were formally judges, prosecutors and attorneys for students who wish to become law clerks or prosecutors. Also, adjunct professors who are currently working in the legal field also help with practical education.
Furthermore, the school also actively manages the concerns and stress of students aside from academic support. There is a specialized researcher exclusively for law school students at the student support center, and they provide consultation for student concerns and search for solutions. It also improved the study areas to remove the smallest discomforts for students studying, 24 hour study halls, lounges, sleeping rooms, kitchens, shower rooms, and other convenience facilities for students.
YU Law School Dean Lee Dong-hyung said, “YU Law School has constructed an optimal system to help students study effectively.” He added, “Based on the full support by the school, the passionate lectures of outstanding faculty, self-initiated learning among students, and the systematic administrative support made it possible to achieve such good results.”
YU President Sur Gil-soo said, “Objective indicators proved that the YU Law School is one of the top law schools,” and added, “YU Law School is also maintaining top rankings in indicators that show the qualitative excellence of the law school education such as master’s degree acquisition rates. The university will provide full support to maintain the status as a prestigious law school.”