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YU Becomes Cradle as Women’s Military Academy! N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2019.03.20 13:09
  • Views : 8583
4 ROTC and 1 cadet in the third military academy and 1 cadet in the non-commissioned officer academy last year for a total of 6 cadets
Achievements of operating the ‘female military incubation program’ supervised the Employment Office and ROTC
Operation of systematic education program such as theories, duties, character, and physical training
[March 13, 2019]
<YU students selected for the 59th ROTC cadets>
(From left to right – Employment Office director Lee Seung-woo, Instructor Baek Sung-hee, student Choi Yoon-young, YU President Sur Gil-soo, Kim Jung-in, Oh Ji-eun, Vice-president of academic affairs Lee Tae-jin)
YU (President Sur Gil-soo) is receiving attention as a university for training female military cadets.
 YU helped four students become cadets for the 59th ROTC, while one cadet for the third military academy and one cadet for the non-commissioned officer academy. Thus, six female military cadets came from YU in the past year, thus making YU recognized as a cradle for female military officers.
 Kim Jung-in (20, Dep. of Chinese Language and Literature, junior), Oh Ji-eun (20, Dep. of History, junior), Choi Yoon-young (21, Dep. of English and English Literature, junior), and Ahn Hye-jin (21, Dep. of Special Physical Education, junior) were selected as ROTC cadets, while Lim Seul-gi (22, Dep. of Political Science & Diplomacy, junior) was selected as a cadet for the third military academy and Seo Yoo-bin (20, Dep. of Civil Engineering, junior) was selected as a non-commissioned officer cadet. The ROTC cadets will complete their school and military training simultaneously and join the military as officers after graduating.
 YU has shown a continuous increase of female officers since 2006. The reason why YU has been able to continuously shape female military officers is because of the female military officer fostering program offered by the university. YU has been offering systematic education programs for female students who wish to become military officers through its Employment Office and ROTC Office since 2005.
 YU operates educational programs that include theoretical and practical education, as well as physically fitness and character education to improve the students’ capacities to become military officers. It helps students prepare for written tests through intellectual abilities, work attitude, judgement inspections, and history education, as well as physical training such as running, push ups and sit ups. It also provides education to enhance their national view, security views and military mindsets as well as on leadership to help them prepare for interviews.
 In particular, the female military officer incubation program operated by YU has been making great achievements with Reserve Major Baek Sung-hee, who also graduated from YU, taking charge of instructions. Major Baek Sung-hee joined the service in 1990 and completed 20 years. After retiring, she returned to YU to share her experiences and know-how to her juniors at YU.
 YU President Sur Gil-soo said, “There has been a recent growth of women in the military and the competition for female cadets has also increased. Students will be able to empower themselves by finding their aptitudes early on and preparing for their career paths.” He added, “I hope that students will gain competitiveness for employment through the various customized processes offered by the university.”