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“Give Me a Mo!” Chuseok for International Exchange Students! N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2019.09.20 17:23
  • Views : 8053
Chuseok enjoyed playing traditional games such as yutnori while wearing hanbok at the International Exchange Center on the 10th
Learning brush calligraphy and experiencing traditional Korean culture
[September 10, 2019]
<"Give Me a Mo!" - International exchange students enjoying yutnori during Chuseok>
  International exchange students studying at the YU campus had a special Chuseok event right before Korea’s biggest holiday, Chuseok.
  These students wore the traditional Korean clothes called hanbok and played traditional Korean games such as yutnori, while also learning brush calligraphy and experiencing the traditional cultures of Korea.
  As of the second semester of 2019, there are currently 197 international exchange students from 50 sister universities from 24 countries studying at YU.

<International exchange students experiencing traditinal Korean culture writing brush calligraphy>

<International exchange students experiencing traditional Korean culture for Chuseok>