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Songkla University Students from Thailand Learn Korean at YU for Second Straight Year N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2019.08.14 13:32
  • Views : 8130
8-week short-term Korean language course including Korean language, culture and economy
High level of satisfaction among trainees last year and returned to YU again this year
Songkla University operates regular ‘Korean language education short-term training program’... Cornerstone for increasing international students from Thailand
[July 26, 2019]
<Students from Songkla University of Thailand coming to YU for the second straight year to learn Korean>
  YU (President Sur Gil-soo) is acting as a hub for ‘learning Korean’ by international students. Recently, 11 students from the Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus completed an eight-week Korean language education program and returned to Thailand on the 26th.
  The Thai students who visited YU were those who had received an eight-week training program at YU last year. They were satisfied with the training last year and decided to visit YU once again this year. The training expenses for these students were paid in full by Songkla University. This shows just how assertive they are for learning Korean.
<Students from Songkla University in Thailand learning Korean manners>
 These students major in Korean studies at the Songkla University of International Studies. They learn not only the Korean language, but also the culture, history and politics of Korea. They complete short-term language programs in Korean language education during summer break through an MOU with YU. These students began training on May 30 and completed an intensive eight-week Korean education program. The students visited Seoul and Busan as well to check out the major tourist destinations and industrial sites to experience first-hand Korean culture and economics.
  Yaowapa Srisuwan (27), a junior at the Songkla University Department of International Studies who participated in the training for the second straight year, said, “In last year’s training, I was able to improve my Korean skills, taste Korean food and experience various cultures, which were very meaningful for me as a major in Korean studies. If I have the opportunity again in the future, I hope to come to YU again.”
<Songkla University students who visited YU for the second straight year to learn about Korea (completion ceremony)>
 YU Korean Language Institute Director Heo Chang-deok said, “Many foreign students come to YU to learn the Korean language and about Korea. The satisfaction level of students who received training is very high.” He added, “Songkla University of Thailand is planning to offer short-term training programs in Korean language education every year. This training will make it possible to diversify our pool of international students and also increase the number of international students.”