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YU Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul Dean Kim Gi-soo Awarded ‘Prime Minister’s Medal’ N

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  • Date : 2019.12.11 13:19
  • Views : 8271
Contributions in spreading and developing Saemaul Undong for developing countries through Saemaul education, improving the international reputation of Korea
Education and research of the Saemaul training program in link with KOICA... Provided plans to apply ‘Saemaul’ in developing countries
[December 3, 2019]
 YU Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul Dean Kim Gi-soo (61, photo on right) received the Prime Minister’s medal. He was recognized for his contributions in improving the international reputation of the Republic of Korea by spreading the Saemaul Undong to developing countries, thereby providing a cornerstone for the development of developing countries.
  Dean Kim Gi-soo served as the vice-dean of the Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul from February 2014 and took the position of dean from February 2017. Dean Kim has been teaching the theories and experiences of rural development and economic development based on the Saemaul Undong of Korea for international students from developing countries.
  Dean Kim has been active not only in the graduate school programs, but also with research and education activities in connection with other institutes such as KOICA and YU Institute for International Development Cooperation. Dean Kim has been sharing the Saemaul Undong and Korea’s economic development experience by planning the Saemaul Training Program for public employees of developing countries and non-government organization development experts, and has been passing on knowhow for plans to apply the Saemaul Undong for developing countries.
  Meanwhile, YU established the Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul to foster global Saemaul leaders for developing countries in November 2011. Unlike international students in regular undergraduate and graduate schools, international students at the Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul are made up of public employees, employees of public institutes, social activists, and professionals who plan and execute policies in their nations. This program graduated 593 students from 63 countries around the world including from Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas, and the graduates are taking the leading in spreading Saemeul Undong and local social development in their home countries.