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Braving through the Typhoon on the Finale of the BAJA SAE! N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2019.07.26 15:34
  • Views : 8623
YU’s ‘YUSAE’ team takes overall victory... Won 4 straight years to become the top university
23 teams from 18 universities competed at the YU Gyeongsan Campus from the 17th to 20th
Comprehensive evaluation including design, safety, braking and durability
[July 20, 2019]
  The 2019 Baja SAE completed its four-day race of passion and held its finale on the 20th. It rained a lot throughout the tournament because of the typhoon Danas, but it was not enough to stop the race of passion by college students toward their dreams.
  This was the 24th tournament this year and it was joined by 23 teams from 18 universities including the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Kyonggi University, Wonkwang University and Korea University of Technology and Education. This tournament began on the 17th at the YU Gyeongsan Campus. Following the static test to check the vehicle design’s uniqueness, safety, ease of maintenance, and possibility for mass production, a dynamic tests on acceleration, max speed, rock climbing, and passing mud roads were conducted. On the 20th, the last day of the tournament, the durability test, which is the highlight of the tournament that drives across a 3.5km off-road track behind the YU water purification center, was held.

<YU YUSAE team that took overall first place at the 2019 Baja SAE>

 The YU ‘YUSAE’ team won overall first place in this year’s tournament. The YU ‘YUSAE’ team took overall first place for four consecutive years since 2016 to once again prove that they are the dominant team for Baja SAE. Second place went to ‘SPEEDING’ team of Keimyung University.
<2019 Baja SAE-Car Parade>
<2019 Baja SAE-Dynamic Test>
 Team leader Shim Hyeon-seok (Department of Mechanical and Automobile Engineering, senior) of Keimyung University’s SPEEDING Team said, “This was my fourth time participating in this tournament. I first took part in this tournament just for fun, but with each year passing, my skills improved and I began wanting to win. This is the last time that I will participate in this as a college student, so I plan to enjoy the tournament as much as possible, and I also hope to have good results.” He added, “Participation in this tournament of building vehicles is a valuable experience to improve your capacities as you have to apply the theories and knowledge learned in your major to produce an actual vehicle. I hope other students all participate in this tournament. You will be able to make a lot of memories and gain valuable experience.”
<2019 Baja SAE-Static Test (Left), Dynamic Test (Right)>
YU Professor of Automotive Engineering Hwang Pyeong, who is also the chairman of the tournament in charge of operations of Baja SAE for the 24th year said, “I could really feel the fiery passion of the students in this tournament despite the harsh weather and typhoon. I am confident that the students learned a lot by designing, producing, driving and researching their own vehicle.” He added, “The experience of driving around the tracks despite the rain will be a valuable asset to students.”

<2019 Baja SAE-Durability Test>

 The YU Baja SAE is a tournament where students compete with self-built vehicles and first began in 1996. It was approved by the US SAE (Society of Automobile Engineers) for the first time in Korea in 2001 to be elevated into an international tournament, and it is being held annually by YU. The results of the tournament are published worldwide through the official SAE homepage (www.sae.org) and publications.