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YU Sweeps Awards at the 2019 Engineering Festival N

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  • Date : 2019.12.11 13:21
  • Views : 8388
<Creative Comprehensive Design Contest> ’Grand prize’ beating 145 teams from around the nation
<Smart Car Simulation Hackathon> ‘First Prize’... Received engineering education innovation meritorious person medal
[December 6, 2019]
<YU ‘Challengers’ team that won the grand prize in the 2019 Engineering Festival ‘Creative Comprehensive Design Contest’ sector>
YU (President Sur Gil-soo) swept the awards winning the grand prize and first place prize.
  At the ‘2019 Engineering Festival’ held at the Songdo Convensia in Incheon on the 26th and 27th of last month, the YU ‘Challengers’ team that took part in the ‘Creative Comprehensive Design Contest’ won the grand prize, thus receiving the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Award.
The ‘Challengers’ team is a multi-disciplinary team centering on the YU College of Mechanical and IT Engineering with Bae Sung-ho (23, junior), Bae Hyung-chang (23, junior) and Cho Hwan-jin (23, junior) of the School of Mechanical Engineering, Kim Ji-hwan (24, junior), Jang Joo-eon (23, junior) and Koo Gyo-in (22, junior) of the Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Seo Myo-sung (21, junior) of the Department of Psychology, and Lee Da-bin (19, sophomore) of the Department of Visual Communication Design. They submitted their work called the ‘Smart Module for Safe Wheelchairs’ in this contest joined by 145 teams around the nation, and took home the grand prize.
  The ‘Challengers’ team applied the concept of Internet of Things (IoT) in the simple mechanical drive part of existing wheelchairs and received high assessments for upgrading it to a smart everyday device. There were many creative ideas from engineering students around the world such as in the fields of electric/autonomous cars, IoT home appliances, robots, bio-health, aviation/drone, etc., drawing huge attention.
  At the ‘Smart Car Simulation Hackathon’ operated by the YU Engineering Education Hub Center at the Engineering Festival, the YU team including Jung Jin-ho (25, senior) of the YU Department of Computer Engineering took first place and received the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology Award. The ‘Smart Car Simulation Hackathon’ is a contest for changing the structure of the vehicle or producing an engineering-optimized racing car using automobile mechanisms, data analysis, and racing simulation AI.
<YU wins first place at the 2019 Engineering Festival ‘Smart Car Simulation Hackathon>
Furthermore, YU Engineering Education Hub Center Director Song Dong-joo (Professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering, first on left in photo below) and researcher Ryu Mi-jung (second from left) were selected as meritorious persons for engineering education innovation and received the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy award. They were recognized for not only fostering creative engineering human resources, but also developing and operating programs reflecting industrial demands technological changes.
<Engineering education innovation persons of merit medal awarding ceremony>
YU President Sur Gil-soo said, “This was made possible by constructing systematic engineering personnel fostering programs, while operating the engineering education hub center for many years.” He added, “Engineering students are important human resources who will lead the future industries of the nation. YU will continue to work hard to foster convergent human resources with various knowledges in their majors that will lead the age of the fourth industrial revolution.”
  Meanwhile, the 2019 Engineering Festival sponsored by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and co-hosted by the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology and the Engineering Education Innovation Association is an event designed to foster engineering personnel who will lead the next-generation convergence industries and was joined by over 10,000 people from 102 universities in both Korea and abroad.