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YU Law School Places First in 9th Bar Passing Rate N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2020.05.29 10:31
  • Views : 8422

52 out of 71 students in 9th class pass for an unrivaled passing rate of 73.2%
Top 5 - YU, Kyunghee University, Yonsei University, Seoul National University, Sungkyunkwan University
Rate of earning master’s degree compared to admitted students first in nation... Proving the fostering of high quality law professionals
[May 12, 2020]

영남대학교 법학전문대학원 전경.png
<Panoramic view of the YU Law School>
   YU Law School took first place in the 9th bar examinations in terms of national passing rates (for 9th Law School class).
  After the 9th bar exam passers were announced on April 24, the Ministry of Justice released its analysis on passers by university. In result, YU Law School passed 52 of its 71 students in its 9th class to rank first in the nation at a passing rate of 73.2%. YU was followed by Kyunghee University, Yonsei University, Seoul National University, and Sungkyunkwan University for the top 5.
YU ranked second nationwide (8th class) at the 8th bar exam following Seoul National University last year, and finally recorded first place in this year to solidify its status as Korea’s best law school.


   Of the 3,316 applicants for the 9th bar exam, 1,768 passed and the passing rate for all applicants was 53.3%. The bar exam passing is an index that best shows the competitiveness of law schools. The legal circles, academia and test preparation centers say that when computing the bar exam passing rate, the passing rate of the number of students admitted or the quota, rather than the number of test-takers, is the most important. This is because it is viewed that law schools can adjust the bar exam passing rate by not allowing students to earn master’s degrees through graduation exams.
  Due to this, the master’s degree earning rate of law schools is another important index. YU Law School also has very high master’s degree earning rates. Of the 71 students in the 9th class, 63 earned their master’s degree, once again taking first place (88.7%) with the bar exam passing rate. YU was followed by Ewha Womans University (81.9%) and Korea University (80.3%). When basing on all students admitted to the law school from the 1st to 9th classes, YU has a huge master’s degree earning rate at 94.1% (648 students admitted/610 graduated).
  YU has continued to make great achievements every year since its establishment and the reason why its education program for fostering legal professionals was recognized was because of the perfect harmony of professors, students and administrative workers. YU Law School’s accumulated academic growth and student guidance program has taken root as an unparalleled program that cannot be compared with other law schools. The advisors provide criticism on practice tests and hold study groups with students or provide individual guidance to help students concentrate more on their studies. In particular, case-study type education and 1:1 corrective training programs for students having trouble with their studies have upward standardized the capacities of all law school students. Full-time professors also turned in their vacation to give special lectures and instruct group studies, etc. Professors who were formerly judges, prosecutors or attorneys work hard to teach students who intend to become law clerks or prosecutors, and part-time professors who are currently legal professionals also provide practical training.
  The nation’s best administrative services are another big factor. Study areas were improved, 24 hour study halls, lounges and all of the convenience facilities are being provided from the perspective of students to minimize all discomforts that students may feel while studying. Efforts are placed in all academic areas including school affairs, admissions, scholarships, life, etc. so that professors and students can concentrate solely on the goal of fostering high quality legal professionals. This is why the school is actively managing student concerns and stress as well. There is a full-time researcher solely for law school students at the Student Support Center who provides counseling for students.
  YU Law School Dean Lee Dong-hyung said, “There is a perfect harmony among the university’s full support, education and research by excellent faculty, and self-initiated studies among students, and this is supported by outstanding administrative competencies. This is why YU has been a top tier law school since its establishment.” He added, “The biggest factor such achievements is the students who worked hard and followed the lead. The university will continue to provide full support to become the most prestigious law school by cultivating high quality legal professionals.”