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School of Architecture Professor Baek Seung-man Appointed as Chairperson of the Architecture Design Institute of Korea N

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  • Date : 2020.09.11 09:21
  • Views : 8402

Two-year term until June 2022

Expert architecture organization for exchange and cooperation among experts for developing in the architectural design sector

“Pursuing social values as experts such as professors and architects, and leading the globalization of Korean architecture”

[September 1, 2020]   

  YU School of Architecture Professor Baek Seung-man (55) was appointed as the chairperson of the Architecture Design Institute of Korea. The term is two years from July 2020 to June 2022.


  The Architecture Design Institute of Korea began as the Educators of Architecture Design Association in May 2002 and developed into the Architecture Design Institute of Korea in May 2016. It is an organization that conducts academic, art and technological research for the development of the domestic architecture design sector and conducts exchange and cooperation among various experts to practice education and practical work in architecture.


  Its goal is to contributing in creating a healthy architectural culture by widely spreading the issues that the Korean architectural industry faces to the public as well as experts through academic conferences, exhibits, publications, etc. from a future-oriented perspective.


  The new chairperson Baek Seung-man said, “The Architecture Design Institute will gather its various architectural experiments and passion that is has built up for almost the past 20 years and do its best to be reborn into a more mature and creative specialized association,” while adding, “Rather than pursuing biased collective interest, I will work toward creating an organization that realizes social values and globalization as experts.” He added, “We will continue working on preparing for a better future for Korean architecture without losing our fundamental goal despite the unstable conditions due to the global COVID-19 pandemic.”