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Highest Respects to ‘Chunma Honor Society’ Donators! N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2020.10.29 09:58
  • Views : 8644

Select persons who donated to the development of YU among individuals and institutes that donated 100 million KRW or more for development funds

Selected 60 individuals and 23 institutes (groups)... Scheduled to hold series of plaque bestowal ceremony

Distinguished donor acknowledgment programs such as the Hall of Fame expected to spread the ‘donation culture’

[October 15, 2020]   

<YU ‘Chunma Honor Society’ Plaque Bestowal Ceremony>

▲Photo on top left: from second on right, YU Professor Choi Wae-chul, YU Medical Center Director Kim Sung-ho, Vice President Seo Jung-sook, President Sur Gil-soo, Yeungnam School Foundation Chairperson Han Jae-sook, Daegu Bank

▲Photo on top right: YU General Alumni Association Chairperson Jung Tae-il

▲Photo on bottom left: Hamchang Education Foundation Chairperson Joo Dae-joong

▲Photo on bottom right: from left to right, Ilshin Electronic Industries CEO Yoon Sang-hyeon, Korea Former Chairperson Lee Jong-woo, YU President Sur Gil-soo, Bucheon Chairperson Lee Shi-won
    YU (President Sur Gil-soo) enacted the ‘Chunma Honor Society’ programIt aims at providing properly respectful treatment to high donors who contributed to the development of the university and to spread a new donation culture of the school.


  YU will select donors who contributed significantly to the development of the university and who are famous in society or have large influence among individuals and institutes (groups) who donated 100 million KRW or more in development funds. Members will be selected from both new donors and past donors. Currently, a total of 60 individuals and 23 institutes (groups) were selected, and YU plans to hold a series of plaque bestowal ceremonies for the individuals and institutes selected as members.


  On the afternoon of the 14th, YU held the Chunma Honor Society plaque bestowal ceremony at the Yeungnam School Foundation secretariat. At this ceremony, Korea Former Chairperson Lee Jong-woo, Bucheon Chairperson Lee Shi-won and Ilshin Electronic Industries CEO Yoon Sang-hyeon were selected as Chunma Honor Society members and received their plaques. They are all YU alumni who not only made huge donations to YU’s development fund, but are also directors for the Yeungnam School Foundation, thus being recognized for their contributions to the development of the university.


  YU has held a total of three plaque bestowal ceremonies thus far and gave plaques to 10 individuals and two institutes. Yeungnam School Foundation Chairperson Han Jae-sook, YU President Sur Gil-soo, Vice President Seo Jung-sook, YU Medical Center Director Kim Sung-ho, YU International Development & Saemaul Undong Professor Choi Wae-chul, YU General Alumni Association Chairperson Jung Tae-il, Hamchang Education Foundation Chairperson Joo Dae-joong, Daegu Bank, and the YU Alumni Scholarship Association received Chunma Honor Society plaques.

  YU plans to confer plaques to Chunma Honor Society members and invite them as VIPs to major school events. Also, when a Chunma Honor Society member operates a scholarship association, plans are to host a ‘Scholarship Student Invitational Appreciation Evening’ event and also install a members-only ‘Hall of Fame’.


  YU is already known for operating distinguished donor respect programs such as designating ‘Donor Classrooms’ named after high development fund donors. With the implementation of the ‘Chunma Honor Society’ program, it is expected to lead to additional donations among past donors to the college development fund as well as new donations from potential donors.


  YU President Sur Gil-soo said, “The university if operating a variety of donor respect programs to commemorate the will of donors for practicing sharing. We hope that the ‘Chunma Honor Society’ will become a program that spreads new donation cultures to our society.”


  Meanwhile, YU plans to hold a Chunma Honor Society plaque bestowal ceremony for Samil Spinning Chairperson Noh Hee-chan on October 23. Chairperson Noh has contributed greatly to the development of the university through donations to his alma mater’s development fund for a total of 670 million KRW including the fund for establishing the YU 60th year anniversary monument.