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International Students from Uzbekistan Wins Grand Prize at the Dokdo Love Korean Speech Contest N

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  • Date : 2020.09.11 09:26
  • Views : 8695

‘Dokdo Youth’ Team made up of four international students at YU from Uzbekistan

Praised for play about the value of Dokdo... Heated competition with six teams including Seoul National University in the finals

Recent rapid increase of international students from Uzbekistan... 175 students studying in undergraduate and graduate school and the Korean language education center

[September 4, 2020]    
<’Dokdo Youth’ team that won the grand prize at the '2020 Dokdo Love Korean Speech Contest’>
(From left to right: Egamberdiev Dostonbek, Musurmonkulov Umidjon, Ikromov Muzafarkhon, Professor Lee Mi-hyang) 

 International students at YU from Uzbekistan won the grand prize at the ‘2020 Dokdo Love Korean Speech Contest’.


  The winners was the ‘Dokdo Youth’  team (Advisor: School of International Studies Professor Lee Mi-hyang) comprised of four international students from Uzbekistan such as Musurmonkulov Umidjon Shavkatugli (Business Administration, senior 26), Egamberdiev Dostonbek Rayimjon ugli (Business Administration, junior, 26), Ikromov Muzafarkhon Murodillo ugli (Business Administration, Sophomore, 25), and Khakimova Dinorakhon Saydinjon kizi (Korean Language and Literature, sophomore, 22).


  At the ‘2020 Dokdo Love Korean Speech Contest’ held at the small theater of the Daegu University General Welfare Hall co-hosted by the Dokdo Foundation and Daegu University on August 24, they received good reviews from the judges by putting on a play about students visiting Dokdo and meeting with the Dokdo Vikybteer Guards to learn about their activities and the value of Dokdo.

 (▶ See play by 'Dokdo Youth’ team: https://youtu.be/hvH1_v3LRgo)   
   They have a special affection for Dokdo just like other Koreans. They said that before this contest, they were highly interested in Dokdo and had visited Dokdo. They said, “While preparing the play for this contest, we did research on historical material and learned about the historical facts about Dokdo,” while adding, “After studying in Korea, we plan to return to Uzbekistan and share with as many people about the historical facts of Dokdo and that Dokdo is Korean territory.”


  A total of 57 international students in 17 teams applied for this contest, and in addition to YU’s ‘Dokdo Youth’ team, a total of 23 students from six universities such as Kyungsung University, Daegu University, Daegu Haany University, Seoul National University, and Jeonju University competed fiercely in the finals.


  There has been a stark increase recently in international students from Uzbekistan at YU. This is because they prefer to study or take Korean language courses at YU. There are a total of 175 students from Uzbekistan studying as undergraduates (143 students), graduate school students, and Korean language education center as of September 2020.